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The “Conspiracy Theory” Label Was Conceived To Derail The Truth Movement
How Covert American Agents Infiltrate the Internet to
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Other reports in this series include:
Google Backed ANTIFA Attempt To Assassinate President Trump
Captured On Video
ANTIFA Terrorists Cripple Canadian Rail System As Train
Derailment Attacks Begin Striking America
Socialists Declare American Revolution As Low-Intensity
Conflict Erupts In United States
Russia Designates George Floyd “Incident” Psyop Operation—Warns CIA Is Main Target
NASA Issues Incoming Asteroid Alert As Combat Warplanes Fill
Night Skies Of America
Feared Zaslon Assassins Deployed To America With Orders To
Wipe Out ANTIFA Leadership
President Trump Now Protected By Powerful US Army Force
Capable Of Leveling Washington D.C.
United Nations Calls Out Democrat Party Plantation Masters
For Black Uprising In America
Socialists Throw 2020 Back To 1960's And 1980's—But Outcome
Favoring Trump Remains The Same
“You Reap What You Sow”
Drama Sees Elmer Fudd Disarmed And Prince Andrew Nearing Arrest
June 9, 2020
CIA Assassins Attack US Air Force Plane Carrying ANTIFA
Terrorist Leaders
By: Sorcha Faal, and as
reported to her Western Subscribers
A mind-blowing highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today, and appearing to provide a reason why riot and looting activities suddenly ceased in the United States this past week, says that at approximately 18:20 GMT +3 on 8 June in Baghdad-Iraq (6:20 pm local time), a team of Special Activities Center (SAC) commando-assassins from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) attacked and caused to crash a C-130 Hercules cargo plane belonging to the US Air Force as it was landing with 7 crew members and 26 passengers—a fiery crash the “official cover story” claims was caused when this plane crashed into a wall while landing—an official cover story disputed by the SVR that tracked this plane after it departed from the Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) military facility located in San Antonio-Texas, traveled to Kuwait and then attempted land in Baghdad—an SVR that was also tracking the movement of these CIA commando-assassins, who arrived at Joint Base San Antonio a few hours after this C-130 Hercules departed from there—and shortly after arriving, saw US Army intelligence operative Jared Esquibel Harless from the 470th Military Intelligence Brigade at Joint Base San Antonio being discovered dead along with his wife and four children at their home that was rigged to explode—an unmistakable “message massacre” that after which saw these CIA commando-assassins breaking into two teams—the one that flew to attack the C-130 cargo plane the SVR believes was carrying escaping ANTIFA terrorist leaders, and the other flying to California—where they tracked down, wounded in a gun battle and captured US Air Force Staff Sergeant Steven Carrillo, who is a member of the elite US Air Force Phoenix Raven Security Unit (aka “The Murder Crew”), of which there are only 150 members—was a gun battle that saw Sergeant Carrillo killing a California police officer and wounding two others while using explosives—with Sergeant Carrillo further being linked to the assassination of US federal officer David Underwood, who died in a hail of bullets fired at him on 25 May when ANTIFA rioting broke out in Oakland-California—and when captured, Sergeant Carrillo was caught on police radio broadcasts saying: “This is what I came to fight...I'm sick of these goddamn police”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
CIA commando-assassins
deliver “massacre message” to ANTIFA
leaders and their
…then travel to
Baghdad-Iraq and attack landing US Air Force plane (above)…
…and go to California to
capture elite “Murder Crew” operative
US Air Force Sergeant Steven Carrillo (above).
According to the very limited portions of this highly-classified report permitted to be commented on by various Ministries, going unnoticed by the American people was a “Deep State” intelligence leak in March-2018 warning that “Trump’s CIA is sending small teams of commandos downrange to kill selected bad guys”—a warning coming during the gravest hours of the coup being attempted against President Trump—and alerted these coup plotters that the CIA’s feared Special Activity Center had been activated—an elite unit responsible for covert operations, paramilitary operations and assassinations—one of whose most recent assassination missions was the killing of Iranian Quds Force General Soleimani—and for which, a few hours ago, Iran sentenced the CIA agent they had captured to death for—but most critical to know about, are commando assassins having just three commanders—President Donald Trump, CIA Director Gina Haspel and Deputy Director of CIA Operations Elizabeth Kimber—with both Haspel and Kimber being the most feared female “honey pot” assassins the CIA has ever produced—and everyone knowing that President Trump “is now out for revenge”.
Following the “massacre message” delivered by these CIA commando-assassins in wiping out US Army intelligence operative Jared Esquibel Harless and his entire family because he aided in the escape of ANTIFA terror leaders from America, this report continues, former top US military officials aligned with this “Deep State” coup plot have begun openly attacking President Trump this past week—attacks based on their fears of whom is going to be targeted for death next—one of whom most assuredly near the top of this death list being the former top Obama-Clinton regime Defense Department and State Department intelligence analyst Salmah Rizvi—who along with other “Deep State” operatives guaranteed bail for bomb-throwing radical socialist lawyer Urooj Rahman—that along with her fellow radical socialist lawyer friend Colinford Mattis threw arson bombs at police cars, both of whom had their bail quickly revoked and were thrown back in prison.
…but along with fellow
radical socialist lawyer Colinford Mattis (above
left) was quickly put back in prison.
In just one grim example as to the further complicity of “Deep State” operatives and rogue US military factions aiding ANTIFA terrorist activities taking place in America, this report details, the SVR notes the recent actions of retired US Air Force Master Sergeant Matthew Michanowicz—an instructor in “The Murder Crew” elite unit that trained the now captured killer and bomb maker US Air Force Sergeant Steven Carrillo—who this past Sunday was discovered placing a bomb at the PNC Plaza in Pittsburg-Pennsylvania—in whose home was discovered supplies to make weapons of mass destruction—and who now faces US federal criminal charges.
…was instructor at “The Murder Crew” elite unit that trained
US Air Force Sergeant Steven Carrillo (left in US Air Force photo above)…
…and whose bombs (above) matches those made and used by
Sergeant Steven Carrillo to kill
On 30 May, this report concludes, Russia designated what was occurring in America as being a “Low-Intensity Conflict”—a designation most particularly noted because it unleashed the unmatched drone and spy satellite surveillance and tracking capability available to the CIA, the FBI and the US military—surveillance abilities that are able to track individuals by their unique electrical brain wave signatures able to be read and identified by satellites flying hundreds-of-miles above the surface of the earth—which makes it no surprise that the killer of retired St. Louis police captain David Dorn was captured and arrested so quickly—but most concerning about, are surveillance capabilities that over the past week have further identified numerous known to be US military operatives participating in ANTIFA terrorist actions—some of whom include 36-year-old Aaron Evanshine and 24-year-old Brian Contreras, both of whom were captured while driving a car full of knives, bricks and gas canisters heading to New York City from Ohio—20-year-old Dakota Gifford, who was captured while driving a car loaded with guns in Tennessee—23-year-old Branden Michael Wolfe, who was captured and arrested by the FBI for burning down a police station in Minneapolis—31-year-old Gregory Wong, who was captured with his massive arsenal of weapons while wearing a US military uniform—and 28-year-old Matthew Rupert, who was captured while bringing bombs to Minneapolis while on a mission to destroy parts of the city—all of whose captures come at the same exact same time the FBI is saying it’s found no evidence of ANTIFA involvement in riots or protests—but could find if they changed the name of ANTIFA to any of the rogue US military units causing this chaos like the CIA has done.
June 9, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report
in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the
information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the
many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal
strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to
know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments,
the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding
misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like
us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
The website was created for and
donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American
computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to
counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003
invasion of Iraq.]
The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in
this report refers to Russian citadels, including in
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