News You Need Today…For The World You’ll Live In
Epic Russian-American Showdown Against “The Mad King Of Kyiv” Begins
“Dazed And
Dumbfounded” Europe Calls “Emergency
Meeting” As Trump-Putin Meeting Nears
Rejects Trump Deal And Demands European Army To Fight
American Threat
Plant Attack Follows Zelensky Threatening Trump “Not All Americans Will Survive”
Unravels As Europe Proclaims: “This Is Putin And
Trump’s World Now”
Swapped Freed American Diplomat Praises Putin Along With Trump
Orders War Flights Against Mexican Cartels That
Ukraine Supplied With American Weapons
Supporting European Union Leaders Warned Are Caught In Trump-Putin Trap
Tunnel To Russia Ignites European Terror
Reveals To “Force Of History” Trump How World Will End
Click Here For More Sorcha Faal Reports And Scroll Down For Breaking News
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World News Now” newsletter send your request to: [email protected]
Sister Maria Theresa is the 73rd Sorcha Faal of the Sorcha Faal
Order, Elected as Mother Superior 3 February 2007
“Conspiracy theorists concentrate their time
on transmuting the "base matter" of current events, official stories,
propaganda and public relations into the gleaming golden truth buried within.
They do this through the very right-brained activity of uncovering and
inventing connections between disparate elements.
They create
story-systems to understand and explain events - essentially a religious
activity. For whatever reason, it’s much easier for us to deal with our
internal contents by projecting them into the world around us. These outward
signs inevitably become carriers of the archetypal content and psychodrama
latent in the seeker.
Conspiracy theory also
overcomes the strictures of literalism and the problems of simplistic thinking
by experimenting with multiplicity of meaning. Ordinary events, people and
signs become symbols bristling with complex, malleable, even contradictory
meanings. Mystery is revived and idealized. Facts become more than the sum of
their parts. Theory becomes poetry and even theology.”
Conspiracy Theories Can’t Be Stopped—And
Some Scientists Think We Wouldn’t Want To Even If We Could
Here’s 100 Confirmed Conspiracies From
the Last 75 Years!
History of the Order of Sorcha Faal Wikipedia: Sorcha Faal Reports
Sorcha Faal Belongs To A Cabal Of Ashkenazim Jewish Women
From 1290 A.D.
Sorcha Faal Belongs To A Zionist
Jewish Criminal Syndicate
Faal Is A Misinformation Agent For The Russian Foreign
Intelligence Service SVR
Sorcha Faal Works Within The
Central Intelligence Agency In COINTELPRO
Sorcha Faal Is Part Of Russian
State Propaganda Effort
Sorcha Faal Used By DHS To Compile
Report On Right Wing Extremism
Sorcha Faal Colludes With Team Trump
Sorcha Faal Is Information Warfare Site For
British MI6, Mossad and CIA
Sorcha Faal Is Part of Putin Troll Army
Sorcha Faal Is Part Of
Kremlin-White House Lie Machine
Sorcha Faal Link Says Proves US Broadcaster Sean Hannity Is
Russian Spy
Sorcha Faal Called Right Wing By
Guardian Newspaper For Aiding Judge Kavanaugh
How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate,
Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
American 2025 Death Toll Update: 15
Americans Killed By Terror 172
Americans Killed By Their Own Police
5 American Police Murdered 4
American Police Dogs Killed
American 2015-2024 Death Toll: Americans Killed By Their Own Police: 12,196 Americans Killed By Terror: 412
US Government Labels Domestic Citizens As The #1 Terrorist Group Police State USA In
Iraq, I raided insurgents. In Virginia, the police raided me. Drivers, Beware: The Costly, Deadly Dangers Of Traffic Stops
In The American Police State American Sheriffs Ask Pentagon For More Tanks To Battle
Marijuana US Police Now Trained To Kill First, Ask Questions Later How Do You Prepare A Child For Life In The American Police
State? US Supreme Court Rules Cops Can Kill Non-Threatening People
As Long As They Say They Were Scared
This Is An American
Resistance Information Website
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of Facebook.
American resisters use Telegram Messenger and Truth
instead of Twitter.
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American resisters use Brave Browser and Tor instead of Chrome or Firefox.
American resisters use Epik Web Hosting and Orangewebsite for their websites.
American resisters give donations using GiveSendGo instead of GoFundMe.
American resisters creating content use Locals and
American resisters download Covid vaccine
religious exemption documents HERE.
American resisters seeking telemedicine
doctors for COVID19 scripts click HERE.
American resisters supporting President
Donald Trump use GETTR watch Trump
Video Channel
and read Official
Trump Statements.
American resisters go to Banned Video for
censored information.
American resisters wanting latest news go
to Citizens Free Press and The Rumor
Mill News Reading Room and Whatfinger and The Gateway Pundit and Off The Press.
American resisters watch broadcast news
from NewsMax and One America News Network and Right
Side Broadcasting Network.
Why Google when you can use non-tracking sites like: Yandex, or Qwant, or Brave, or Good Gopher?
Top World News Now
17, 2025
WhatDoesItMean.Com Privacy Policy And
About Information
Conspiracy: Comes from Latin word 'conspirare' meaning to breathe
together; conspiracy theories emphasize the invisible forces and actions (of
selfish harmful intent by special interests) behind the visible historical