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Other reports in this series include:
Pandemic War Series: Part 1 [Note:
Read from top report down for most complete context of this historic event.]
Pandemic War Series: Part 2 [Note: Read from top report
down for most complete context of this historic event.]
Pandemic War Series: Part 3 [Note: Read from top
report down for most complete context of this historic event.]
Pandemic War Series: Part 4 [Note: Read from top report down for
most complete context of this historic event.]
Pandemic War Series: Part 5
Read from top report down for most complete context of this historic event.]
Pandemic War Series: Part 6 [Note: Read from top
report down for most complete context of this historic event.]
Accuses Communist China Of “Mass
Worldwide Killing” Then Issues Documents Of War
May 22, 2020
Communist Chinese Saboteur Identified By
By: Sorcha Faal, and as
reported to her Western Subscribers
An informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing some of the latest actions being observed taking place in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says most important of them to notice is what occurred during the 48-hours following the FBI Office-Moscow making an urgent request for aid to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) on 20 May—an urgent request the FBI made after saboteur-terrorists had destroyed over this past week two US fighter jets worth over $420-million at a Florida military base, and last December killed 3 US Navy soliders at another Florida military base—with the commonality of these attacks being these US military bases were training centers for radicalized Saudi Arabian pilots and aircraft technicians training at them—and whose greatest present fears about were them being devoted followers of the most feared terrorist in the world Masood Azhar, who is best known for being “China’s Favorite Terrorist”—and upon receiving this urgent request from the FBI, saw MVD intelligence analysts coordinating an investigation with the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria, whose military intelligence assets maintain constant surveillance of all known and/or suspected Masood Azhar supporters in Syria—a list of whom the MVD turned over to the FBI within hours of this urgent request being made—one of whose names upon was a Syrian national named Adam Salim Alsahli who was residing in the United States, was also a student at Umm Al-Qura University located in Mecca-Saudi Arabia, and was training as an aircraft technician at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi-Texas—information provided to the FBI by the MVD that was followed at 6:15 a.m.(local Corpus Christi time) yesterday (21 May) with US news reports saying that a terrorism related shootout with security officers at the North Gate of Naval Air Station Corpus Christi had occurred—followed by Adam Salim Alsahli then being identified as the only person killed in this shootout—the “official story” being that this terrorist began the attack—but has MVD intelligence analysts stating that this terrorist was killed in an ambush conducted by elite FBI and/or US military commandos—as their SOP (standard operating procedure) in dealing with terrorist threats is to lure their suspects into tightly controlled tactical situations, such as guard posts and road blocks, then “shoot first and ask questions later”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
In a swift retaliation move following this “ambush shootout”, this report details, President Donald Trump struck back hard by “plunging the proverbial knife” into the heart of Communist China’s largest tech giant Huawei—a blow directly striking chip juggernaut HiSilicon that supplies Huawei with all of the microchips it needs to survive—but whom President Trump has now cut off all access to US technology no microchip company can live without—and best described by VLSI Research Chief Executive Dan Hutcheson, who while noting that chip production lines are finely calibrated systems where everything has to work well together, said about what President Trump just did to HiSilicon: “You almost have to think about it like a heart transplant”.
Equally critical to note, this report continues, is that 24-hours prior to President Trump striking his fatal blow against Huawei, the United States Senate passed by unanimous consent a bill that would expel Communist Chinese companies from US stock exchanges if they continue to deny inspectors access to their audits—an unheard of unanimous consent between Republican and Democrat lawmakers who even at the best of times can’t even agree on what time it is—but becomes understandable when one notices the new polling showing that more American people by the day are viewing Communist China as their nation’s most dangerous enemy.
In moves to further consolidate the American people as war with Communist China looms ever nearer on the horizon, this report notes, coming to the aid of President Trump are over 500 of his nation’s top doctors that are now gravely warning that the socialist Democrat Party communist inspired instituted lockdown of the US is in reality a “Mass Casualty Event”—an indisputable fact confirmed by global banking giant JP Morgan—who in their devastating just released scientific study found that not only don’t lockdowns work to stop the spread of the coronavirus, in places where lockdowns have ended the coronavirus is disappearing.
Fully supporting Communist China and the lockdown of the American people, however, this report reveals, are the hard core socialist elements of the Democrat Party—chief among them being presumptive Democrat Party presidential nominee Joe Biden—whom beyond shocking new audio of has just been leaked proving his criminal conspiracy to oust the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating his son Hunter Biden in exchange for $1-billion—which explains why Ukraine District Court Judge S. V. Vovk has ordered Joe Biden to be listed as an alleged perpetrator in the criminal court case he’s overseeing—none of which matters to socialist Democrats supporting Joe Biden—best exampled by The Nation columnist Katha Pollitt, who yesterday vowed that she would vote for Joe Biden “even if he boiled babies and ate them”—and by former President Bill Clinton’s top strategist James Carville, who yesterday went on a profanity laced rant against President Trump screaming such things as: “He’s gonna get his ass beat…Alright, he’s gonna get his fat ass beat…The question is by how much”—but to be noted about, is the same James Carville who, in September-2016, said the Republican Party was commiting suicide with Trump and predicted that Hillary Clinton would beat him in a landslide.
As to what would cause socialist Democrats to say such vile things like they’d vote for Joe Biden “even if he boiled babies and ate them”, this report continues, can only be explained by the terror and panic coursing through them as they’ve watched President Trump do such things as use the coronavirus pandemic to slam shut the huge migrant pipeline run by coyotes and socialist federal agencies and immediately throw all out all illegals coming into America—and them noticing the US Federal Court being less than amused after top Mueller prosecutor Andrew Weissmann this past week headlined a Joe Biden fundraiser—and whom one knows would gladly take part in any “boiled baby” feast Joe Biden would cook up.
To be counted among the less than amused of Weissmann viciously persecuting General Michael Flynn and then his raising money for Joe Biden, this report points out, is President George H. W. Bush appointed United States Circuit Judge Karen Henderson, President Barack Obama appointed United States Circuit Judge Robert Wilkins and President Donald Trump appointed United States Circuit Judge Neomi Rao—all three of whom after reading the scathing “EMERGENCY PETITION FOR A WRIT OF MANDAMUS” filed this week by General Flynn’s attorneys—ordered the judge overseeing the Flynn case to fully explain to them what he’s doing by 31 May.
While watching their entire Russiagate coup attempt against President Trump go down in flames, however, this report concludes, the greatest dread overcoming these actually demonic socialist Democrats is what has occurred since they won back the US House of Representatives in 2018—the only place of power they hold in the US government—but only by a slim 35 seat majority—and since winning the majority in 2018, have seen Republicans winning all 7 of the special elections held to replace US House members who resigned—two of whom were sworn into office yesterday after winning their special elections over socialist Democrats last week—but even in the Republicans winning these two latest special elections, neither of them come close to comparing to what happened during this past week’s election in Staunton-Virginia—a small socialist Democrat Party stronghold city that overwhelmingly voted for Hillary Clinton and President Obama—and during its just concluded election, saw a slate of Republican Party candidates running who openly supported a President Trump who was accused of being a Russian spy, was impeached, and now has had the coronavirus thrown at him—and whose final election result is contained in the headline “Shocker! Conservative Slate Sweeps To Victory, Control Of Staunton City Council” and the words of warning issued to all socialist Democrats: “The result is a shocker, to say the least, and if people in Richmond are paying attention at all, this one should be a wakeup call times ten”.
May 22, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report
in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the
information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the
many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal
strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to
know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments,
the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding
misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like
us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
The website was created for and
donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American
computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green(1922-2013) to
counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003
invasion of Iraq.]
The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in
this report refers to Russian citadels, including in
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