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What You Aren’t Being Told About The World You Live In

How The “Conspiracy Theory” Label Was Conceived To Derail The Truth Movement

How Covert American Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations


Other reports in this series include:

Coronavirus Pandemic War Series: Part 1 [Note: Read from top report down for most complete context of this historic event.]

Coronavirus Pandemic War Series: Part 2 [Note: Read from top report down for most complete context of this historic event.]

Coronavirus Pandemic War Series: Part 3 [Note: Read from top report down for most complete context of this historic event.]

Trump Saves World From Socialist Run “Death Zones” In People’s Republic Of Coronastan

Looming Coronavirus Famines Of Biblical Proportions Cause American People To Flee And Revolt

US Makes Shock Nuclear Bombing Run On China—Bioweapon Labs Warned To Be Targets

Trump-Putin Issue Rare Joint Statement OnDecisive Defeat Of Nazi Regime”—Then Ponder World War III

American People Vacationing In Coronavirus Gulag Fail To Grasp Historic Enormity Of Global Destruction

Suicided New York City Doctor Believed Was Witness To Coronavirus Patients Being Murdered

China Targets US Warship While UN Calls For Western Destruction And Socialists Demand Families Be Abolished

Russia Warns Of Crushing Nuclear Response After Bioweapon Attack On Trump Confirmed

Trump Activates Doomsday Protocols While Surrounding China With Live Anti-Ship Missiles



May 2, 2020

Bigger Than Watergate Shock To The Conscience Collides With Military Operation To Overthrow Trump

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest developments occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with grave concern that after President Donald Trump yesterday signaled his intention to slam Communist China with tariffs to punish them for the spread of the coronavirus, he ordered the immediate deployment of four B-1 nuclear-armed heavy bombers to their forward base in Guam as a “show of force” against the Communist Chinese military—a needed defensive measure coming at the same time the United States is down to its last nuclear-armed aircraft carrier battle group, with all their other ones being crippled by the coronavirus—which joins this battlefront to the even more critical one exploding in America that’s being called “Bigger Than Watergate”.

A reference to what is now known as the Watergate Scandal, that began on 27 January 1972 when former and current CIA operatives broke into and attempted to bug the Democrat National Committee offices on believed to be, but never proven, orders issued directly by President Richard Nixon—a scandal ignored by the American people to such an extent that 10-months later, on 7 November 1972, they handed President Nixon one of the most crushing election victories in US history—which was followed nearly two years later, on 9 August 1974, by President Nixon becoming the only American leader in history to resign from office.    

A stunning turn of events entirely due to the American people awakening to the shocking level of corruption existing within their Deep State government and its subservient intelligence agencies and the lies they were told about it—and whose mirror counterpart today being exposed involves the attempted coup against President Trump by these same malign forces—an attempted overthrow of President Trump supported by a leftist mainstream propaganda media hammering into the American minds the now conclusively proven lies that Trump colluded with Russia to win his election—proven lies a new poll shows 53% of the American people still believe are true—but as exactly as happened during the Watergate Scandal, are lies now being forced into the light of truth in full view of the American people—with the first of these monstrous lies to be exposed being the “shock to the conscience treatment” of General Michael Flynn.

A Watergate Scandal redux (brought back) revealing of truth to the American people so they can awaken to the horrors of what’s really happened, however, that’s now colliding with furious efforts to keep it from occurring—as the forces arrayed against President Trump know full well the wrath ready to descend upon them by the American people once they know the truth—and is why top Democrat Party socialist leader US Congressman Adam “Pencil Neck” Schiff is demanding that leftist US tech giants step up their authoritative censorship and silencing—and even more dangerously, is why disgraced former top US Army General Stanley McChrystalforced to resign after he mocked and showed contempt for the civilian leaders of America—has created and deployed, using socialist Democrat Party monies, an actual military psychological warfare operation to keep the truth hidden and destroy President Trump.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



According to this report, though many American people today believe that the downfall of President Nixon was due to the Watergate Hearings and mainstream journalist reporting (the latter best exampled in the bookAll The President’s Men”), nothing could be further from the truth—as everything that transpired during the Watergate Scandal originated in the courtroom of United States District Judge John Joseph Sirica of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia—who presided over the case of the Watergate burglars—and from where all of the truths later exposed by US lawmakers and journalists had their beginning.

In an ironical exact repeat of history, this report notes, the seat once held by the late Judge Sirica on the United States District Court for the District of Colombia is now occupied by United States District Judge Emmet Sullivan—who, also like Judge Sirica, is presiding over the first case of this current crisis involving retired US Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn—who President Trump appointed to be his National Security Advisor—then resigned from this post on 13 February 2017 after it was alleged he lied to top White House officials and the FBI—and were “lies” for which General Flynn made a plea deal with Special Counsel Robert Mueller prosecutors to plead guilty to on 1 December 2017.

Also like Judge Sirica, this report continues, Judge Sullivan has spent his entire judicial career dispensing fair and equal justice based on facts and the law, no matter how powerful of a force he’s had to battle against to do so—best exampled in one of the most famous cases he presided over involving the powerful and longest serving Republican Party US Senator in history Ted Stevens—a World War II combat hero who enraged the Bush Regime over his opposition to the Iraq War and was targeted for destruction—a destruction that saw him being persecuted by a corrupt United States Department of Justice for made up crimes he didn’t commit, but was convicted of anyway—and when discovering the illegal tactics used by US federal prosecutors to destroy Senator Stevens, saw Judge Sullivan not only throwing out this conviction, but his referring these prosecutors for criminal prosecutions themselves—and barely a fortnight prior to Special Counsel Mueller’s prosecutors bringing in front of him General Flynn—saw Judge Sullivan firing an unmistakable warning shot at them in his 17 November 2017 opinion article published in the Wall Street Journal titled “How New York Courts Are Keeping Prosecutors In Line”—wherein he stated for them to hear loud and clear:

A judge-issued Brady order ensures that busy prosecutors will make finding and turning over such material a priority. 

It’s one thing for prosecutors to know they are supposed to follow the law.  But it’s far more likely actually to happen when a judge’s order tells them exactly what is expected, and what the consequences are for noncompliance.

A Brady order also ensures that prosecutors who commit intentional misconduct can be held accountable.  Often it takes years for a wrongly convicted defendant to discover that exculpatory evidence was withheld. By that time, the statute of limitations for bringing disciplinary or criminal charges against the prosecutor may have already expired.  If a Brady order is in place, however, the prosecutor can be held in contempt of court or subjected to other judicial sanctions.

My wake-up call to the importance of Brady orders came when I presided over the deeply flawed trial of Ted Stevens, the longtime U.S. senator from Alaska.

In October 2008, Stevens was nearing the end of his seventh term, and was almost certain to be re-elected, when he was found guilty of lying on Senate disclosure forms about the cost of renovations to his vacation home.

Stevens’s name was tainted, and he lost re-election, altering the course of events in the Senate.

Just six months later, it was revealed that federal prosecutors had concealed numerous pieces of evidence that very likely could have resulted in Stevens’s acquittal.

Among the more egregious examples:  Rather than call a witness whose testimony would have supported Stevens, the government flew the witness home to Alaska.  The prosecution also concealed that its star witness had an illegal sexual relationship with an underage prostitute, whom he had asked to lie about their relationship.

Henry Schuelke, the special prosecutor I appointed to investigate the misconduct, found that Justice Department lawyers committed deliberate and “systematic” ethical violations by withholding critical evidence pointing to Stevens’s innocence.

Yet Mr. Schuelke also found that I was powerless to act against the wrongdoers, because I had not issued a direct, written court order requiring them to abide by their ethical and constitutional obligations to disclose favorable evidence.

The experience led me to change my own courtroom practice.

I now issue a detailed, standing Brady order in every criminal case before my court.

This reminds the prosecutors who appear before me exactly what is required of them, and it ensures that any who intentionally withhold evidence can be held accountable.



Exactly like he had warned a fortnight earlier, this report details, when Special Counsel Mueller’s prosecutors brought before Judge Sullivan the plea deal case of General Flynn on 17 December 2017, he slammed them with a Brady Order—which under US federal law is a pretrial discovery rule that was established by the United States Supreme Court in Brady v. Maryland that requires the prosecution to turn over all exculpatory evidence to the defendant in a criminal case—an order, however, Mueller’s prosecutors must have stored away to use as toilet paper during this coronavirus pandemic—as they most certainly didn’t abide by any of its set in concrete rules.

In knowing that Mueller’s prosecutors had shredded his Brady Order, as by the time they brought General Flynn before him for sentencing, in December-2018, entire books had been written about the crimes they’d committed, this report further notes, Judge Sullivan was in a quandary, because even though he knew what was going on, General Flynn’s attorneys hadn’t placed anything before him he could rule on as it pertained to Brady Order violations by Mueller’s prosecutors—which led to one of the most spectacular and amazing sentencing hearings ever to be witnessed in US legal history—and was when Judge Sullivan erupted at General Flynn, called him a traitor, and dared him to continue the sentencing hearing—a point hammered into General Flynn to such great effect, he fled from the courtroom, and shortly afterwards fired his attorneys.

After firing his attorneys, this report continues, General Flynn retained one of the most powerful and feared lawyers in America named Sidney Powell—who was joined in her defense of General Flynn by US Attorney Jeffrey Jensen, who US Attorney General William Barr appointed to pore over and discover what Brady Order violations were committed by Mueller’s prosecutors—both of whom have now put before Judge Sullivan over these past few weeks “newly discovered documents that shock the conscience as they prove the FBI’s treatment of General Flynn lives up to Americans’ worst fears”—show that the FBI had concluded their investigation of General Flynn after finding no evidence he colluded with the Russians---show that fired and disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok ordered the investigation into General Flynn be kept open anyway so they could get him fired and prosecuted for crimes he didn’t commit—show fired and disgraced FBI lawyer Lisa Page conspired to deny General Flynn all of his legal rights—show FBI Director James Comey and all other top FBI officials were involved in the criminal conspiracy to destroy General Flynn—and most abominably, show that General Flynn’s now fired  Covington attorney Robert Kelner, and his co-counsel Stephen Anthony, secretly conspired with Mueller’s prosecutors to make an “unofficial agreement” that would force General Flynn to plead guilty for a crime he didn’t commit, otherwise they’d target his son for destruction, too. [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]



Though no one yet knows how Judge Sullivan will rule in this case, that’s now become one of the greatest criminal miscarriages of justice ever witnessed in American history, this report states, it’s instructive to note that even radical leftist American legal writer Benjamin Wittes is now conceding that at the very least General Flynn will be allowed to withdrawal his guilty plea—a concession being met, however, by top US legal scholar Professor Jonathan Turley (who one supposes would be more knowledgeable about laws than a radical leftist writer) in his just published article titled “Michael Flynn Case Should Be Dismissed To Preserve Justice”—wherein Professor Turley declares: “Even the federal judge used Flynn to rail against what he saw as a treasonous plot…What is left in the wake of the prosecution is an utter travesty of justice…Justice demands a dismissal of his prosecution…But whatever the “goal” may have been in setting up Flynn, justice was not one of them”.

By Professor Turley noting the fact that Judge Sullivan is well aware of this “treasonous plot”, this report concludes, left not being explained to the American people about what this means is the fact that what was done against General Flynn wasn’t against him as an individual person—but was a direct and treasonous attack against President Trump whom he served as his National Security Advisor—thus conclusively proving beyond all doubt that the criminal persecution of General Flynn was part of the much larger plot to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States—and for which the perpetrators of must go to prison if justice in America is to be preserved—and with it being revealed that former top FBI lawyer James Baker has flipped and is now cooperating with feared US Attorney John Durham, means it’s more than likely that prison cells are being readied at this very moment to accept these coup plotters, as soon as they can be charged and arrested for their crimes.      



May 2, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked  to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green(1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

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