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November 21, 2019

18-Day Countdown To American Political Armageddon Warned Could See Anti-Trump Leftist Mobs Joining A World Already On Fire

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A somberly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Putin being pleased that the “political battles” in Washington have put on the back-burner accusations that Russia interfered in US elections and his commenting “Thank God no one is accusing us of interfering in the US elections anymore; now they’re accusing Ukraine”, cautions that this respite from madness has now come up against an 18-day countdown clock fast clicking down to the greatest political Armageddon event ever to be witnessed in modern American history—a catastrophic event due to explode on 9 December when the estimated over 1,000 page United States Department of Justice Inspector General document will be publically released with criminal arrest referrals to expose the crimes committed against President Donald Trump and his campaign by top Obama-Clinton officials—is a document aimed squarely at the illegitimate impeachment of Trump designed to obliterate this undisguised coup attempt with the truth—but whose truths will be ignored by enraged leftists mobs that are warned could unleash a massive 1960’s-style violent revolt against Trump—thus joining these American leftist mobs with their global counterparts who have already ignited “Our World On Fire”.   [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



According to this report, the growing power of these violent radical leftist mobs was put on full display this week with their attacks on American diplomat Gordon Sondland—who aside from his being a political appointee of President Trump to be the US Ambassador to the European Union, is the owner of prestigious Provenance Hotels conglomerate—all of whose hotels and properties have been under siege by leftist mobs who threatened him and his family with death unless he did what was told—specifically these leftist mobs demanding that Ambassador Sondland give damaging testimony against Trump—a demand, however, Ambassador Sondland ignored during his testimony yesterday in the Soviet-style sham impeachment coup hearings being conducted by Commissar Adam Schiff—and when directly asked if “your testimony is consistent in the President did not tie aid to investigations”, saw Ambassador Sondland stating under oath “That’s correct”—under oath testimony that joined Ambassador Sondland with every single other impeachment coup witness who testified as one that they saw no quid-pro-quo, no bribery and no extortion in Trump’s dealing with Ukraine—a fact stunningly displayed by Republican Party US Congressman John Ratcliffe when he stacked upon the impeachment coup lectern for the entire world to see over 3,500 pages of testimony where the word “bribery” appeared just a single time—with his saying about it: “Ironically, it appears not in a description of President Trump’s alleged conduct.  It appears in the description of Vice President Biden’s alleged conduct”.   


Republican Party US Congressman John Ratcliffe (above) stuns world by showing over 3,500 pages of witness testimony where the world “bribery” appeared only once—and was used against former Vice President Joe Biden, not President Donald Trump.


In confirmation of US Congressman Ratcliffe’s stunning visual display of thousands of pages of testimony showing that the word “bribery” was used only once, and referred to former Vice President Joe Biden, this report continues, at the exact same time every single witness in this sham impeachment coup hearing process stated under oath they saw no crime whatsoever being committed by President Trumpevery single one them said yes when asked if Hunter Biden ties with Ukraine posed a potential conflict of interest—a conflict of interest that caused the new government of Ukraine to expand their probe into the head of firm that employed Hunter Biden—a criminal probe that’s now shockingly implicated former President Obama’s national security advisor John Templeton Jr. whose firm Franklin Templeton Investments laundered $7.4 billion in monies stolen from Ukraine, $16.5 million of which was funneled to Hunter Biden’s company—which led this week to Hunter Biden’s boss Nikolai Zlochevsky being indicted by Ukraine’s Prosecutor General—which explains why Zlochevsky has suddenly gone missing.

As to if Hunter Biden or his father former Vice President Joe Biden will be able to aid the now gone missing Nikolai Zlochevsky before FBI forces loyal to President Trump capture him, this report notes, it appears most unlikely as both of them are becoming more mentally unhinged by the day—with Hunter Biden now having to deal with the shock announcement yesterday that DNA testing proved he was the father of a child had by a woman he was having an affair with while he cheated on the widowed wife of his own dead brother—a shock announcement revealed by a 200-year-old newspaper in Arkansas that a deranged leftist reporter named Julia Ioffe then tried to claim was Russian before she was unmercifully mocked to retract her nonsense by her own peers—all of which resulted in former Vice President Biden sending out a fundraising email praising his debate performance—but whose problem about was that it was sent hours before his debate had even begun.   


Law enforcement experts the world over are beginning to ask who isn’t involved with The Biden Crime Family.


With stunning new polling showing the socialist Democrat Party that the peoples in their must-win swing State of Wisconsin are tired of this impeachment sham and want it to away and have shot President Trump to the lead against all of his Democratic opponents, this report details, the true fears and horrors of these demented Democrats were displayed a few hours ago when they used the cover of their presidential candidates debate to release their latest financial statement required by election law—a financial statement called putrid because these Democrats revealed they only had $8.7 million cash on hand and over $7 million debt—and stands against the record Republican Party fundraising “impeachment backlash” that’s given President Trump an additional $61 million to add to the already historic amount of money he’s raised.   



Though massive amounts of money most certainly aids American presidential candidates, this report concludes, it by no means is a determiner of whom will win; otherwise Hillary Clinton would have won in 2016 because she spent double the money President Trump did—thus leaving as the sole determiner of whom will win the 2020 Presidential Election the American people—and as the “tick tock” of this countdown clock warned about a fortnight ago by Trump’s online communication director Dan Scavino winds down to 9 December and the political Armageddon it will unleash, are the exact peoples these insane radical socialist Democrats have quit listening to—a tone deafness extended to their own Democrat Party leaders like former President Obama who warned them to stop going so far left and the most powerful liberal leader in California politics Willie Brown who warned those trying to impeach Trump: “If the goal was to damage President Trump by formalizing the impeachment inquiry, it’s Mission Unaccomplished for House Democrats…If anything, the vote solidified Trump’s hold on power”—a tone deafness now grown into outright blindness as these Democrats failed to read the warning scientific survey just issued by their own House Majority Forward think tank which found that the “core perception of their own voters is that Trump is a businessman, not a politician…and because he is not a politician, the standards that would apply to a politician are not applied to him”—which can only mean that none of these Democrats will even bother to read the rare truthful article just astonishingly published today by the leftist New York Times today titled “Trump Is Doing Exactly What He Was Elected to Do”—an article that not only warns these obviously mentally ill Democrats: “Don’t impeach him…His actions have all been within the scope of the Presidency”—shows them the truth about what’s real by stating:

For this president, the personal is political.

What that means to him and his supporters is very different from what it means to his opponents.

As his statements going back decades show, Mr. Trump believes that America’s leadership class has harmed the country even as it has enriched itself and entrenched its power through the federal bureaucracy and a self-protecting consensus among top politicians.

The very “norms” by which Washington operates, covering everything from America’s objectives in foreign policy to the imperative of multilateral trade deals to the legal ways in which career politicians and their families can make millions off their connections, are seen by Mr. Trump and his voters as the source of the country’s ills — from endless wars to declining manufacturing employment to the unresponsiveness of politicians in both parties to the country’s pain.

These norms, and the corruption inherent in “business as usual,” are not just abstractions but find embodiment in politicians like Mr. Biden and Hillary Clinton, as well as John McCain and the Bush family.

They are personified as well in much of the permanent bureaucracy — the “deep state.”

Mr. Trump’s opponents treat norms as if they were laws.

But Mr. Trump openly campaigned in 2016 as someone who would rescind the nonlegal norms of American politics.

He said he would “drain the swamp”…Washington’s traditional way of doing business, the legal but corrupt trade in money and influence, was something he was elected to attack.



November 21, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked  to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green(1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

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