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June 9, 2024

Socialist Forces Brace For Impact As “Trump Moment” Arrives In Europe

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A critically insightful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev most factually assessed: “German Chancellor Olaf Scholz must ask for forgiveness from Ukrainians for playing a role in plunging their country into misery and helping to revive Nazi ideology”, says this factual assessment was joined by veteran left-wing German politician Sahra Wagenknecht of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance party fearfully observing: “What scares me the most is the great danger that the war in Ukraine will become a major European war, they are crossing one red line after the other...The fact that Ukraine is allowed to shoot at Russia with German weapons is crazy...War does not end with weapons, war is ended with peace talks...At some point something will happen, and what happens will be so terrible that you don’t want to imagine it...That’s why we can only appeal to everyone who has responsibility in our country...We have to end the war in Ukraine and not keep escalating it; that’s madness”—and was a fearful observation quickly followed by the stunning news: “German Parliament Member from Hamburg Olga Petersen has sought refuge in Russia, telling Bild that she feared having her children taken by the German state over her perceived support for Russian President Vladimir Putin”.

In knowing the truth that socialist Western colonial leaders have brought the world to a point “so terrible that you don’t want to imagine it”, this report notes, it caused socialist European Union and NATO member leader Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to gravely warn: “We are at the penultimate moment to reverse the outbreak of the war...For this we need to achieve change in Brussels and Washington...If the European leaders wanted peace today, within 24 hours there would be a ceasefire at the front line...All they would have to do was to say: Dear Ukrainians, a ceasefire is necessary, we need to stop, we will not give more weapons and money until there is a ceasefire and peace negotiations...There would be a greater chance of reaching a peace deal if Donald Trump wins the United States presidential election in November and ends this war within 24 hours, as he has pledged to do”.

As for a “change in Brussels” to “reverse the outbreak” of a global thermonuclear war “so terrible that you don’t want to imagine it”, this report continues, the leftist Politico article “Europe’s Trump Moment Has Arrived” observed: “In a Continent that has prided itself on laying to rest the ghosts of Hitler, Mussolini and Franco, the re-emergence of the radical right as a political force is coming as a shock...While Europe’s populist, nationalist parties are likely to remain too fractious to exert blunt power after the votes are counted on Sunday night, the sheer fact of their success will trigger a political upheaval equivalent to that caused by Donald Trump’s election as U.S. president in 2016...The results in the European Parliament, after all, serve as a barometer of where national politics is headed in some of Europe’s most crucial capitals”.

Upon the arrival of the “Trump Moment” in Europe this weekend, this report details, the leftist New York Times revealed: “More than 300 million voters in the 27 countries that make up the European Union are heading to the polls to elect the new European Parliament’s 720 members...But in casting their ballots they’ll do more than that...The new balance of power in the Parliament will shape the next five years of important European policies at home and abroad, including on climate, migration, Ukraine and the Middle East”—a revelation joined by Dutch multinational banking and financial services giant Rabobank assessing: “The European Parliament elections will serve as a pivotal test of the far right’s influence on the European political landscape...It appears another centrist coalition can be formed, but the far right may still shape the dynamics of parliamentary operations and the allocation of EU top jobs....The European People’s Party will have a key position...This will necessitate trade-offs and, if unattainable, poses the risk of policy stasis on matters where the council is eager to advocate for radical changes....The new parliament will learn there’s a thin line between increasing an economy’s resilience and adopting an unbalanced package of measures”.

As it pertains to a “change in Washington” while socialist Western forces brace for the impact of a feared “Trump Moment” in Europe, this report notes, American political articles have just appeared like “Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin Thinks Trump Can Win the State in 2024: ‘Looks Like It’s In Play’” and “Trump Is Echoing Reagan’s ‘Genius’ New York Strategy, And The Results Could Be Similar, Prominent Historian Says”—and are political articles joined with the latest presidential polling showing Trump at 59% and Biden at 41%.

Due to common sense low regulations and environmental policies, this report continues, the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor) announced in April: “Russian potato exports over the first quarter of 2024 was 1.8 times more than during the first three months of the last year...Supplies of root crops moved up twofold and pome fruits - by 3.4 times...Agricultural animals exports increased by 2.2 times as of the end of the first quarter of 2024, and cattle shipments skyrocketed by 6.8 times”—and was an important announcement followed this week by the stunning news from the American largest potato growing region in the State of Idaho: “On Thursday, thousands of farmers across the Snake River Plain were greeted by an order that they must immediately cease irrigating crops on approximately 500,000 acres...This means that farmers must abandon fields that have been planted, fertilized, and cultivated, at the cost of several millions of dollars, or face steep fines...This order, in the absence of an emergency stay, will upend the local and regional economies of eastern Idaho as family farms, grain merchandisers, potato warehouses, food processors, truckers, input suppliers, and equipment dealers see their business models evaporate, and as banks face the prospect of widespread defaults”.

Because of absolutely insane socialist policies and regulations crushing American farmers into oblivion, this report details, it was no surprise to see the leftist Washington Post beyond shockingly revealing today: “About 30 million acres of U.S. cropland have been abandoned since the 1980s...Researchers conclude that during the study period about 12.3 million hectares — or 30.39 million acres — of cropland went unused in the contiguous United States”—and is a critical revelation to notice because the “Trump Moment” in Europe was just joined by the article “European Farmers Angry At Climate Policies Could Help Sway EU Parliamentary Elections”, wherein it fearfully revealed: “So far this year, farmers in every part of Europe have staged more than 4,000 protests, a 300% increase over last year”.

To stop a “Trump Moment” in both Europe and America, this report notes, socialist forces convicted President Donald Trump in a Kangaroo court sham Soviet Show Trial, that was followed by the news: “CNN, a far-left propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and political violence, dry-humped former President Donald Trump’s kangaroo trial in search of ratings glory and managed to attract an average of only 486,000 total day viewers throughout all of May”—the just released Newsweek article “How TikTok Could Decide the 2024 Election” revealed: “The most divisive, yet highly popular social media platform is shaping up to become one of the biggest factors in this year's presidential election...On Saturday night, Trump launched his personal account with a 13-second video in which UFC President Dana White declared, "The president is now on TikTok"...In less than 24 hours, the former president amassed over 2 million followers on the app...As of Tuesday morning, he has 5 million followers...His sole post on the platform has been viewed over 78 million times”—a revelation joined by the leftist NBC News article “Trump Quickly Surpasses The Biden Campaign On TikTok”, wherein it revealed: “In less than three days, Donald Trump’s TikTok account has far outpaced the Biden campaign's — an early indication of the strength of the former president's brand on the Gen Z-tailored social media platform...Trump’s TikTok account has achieved almost 5 million followers, compared with the Biden campaign's roughly 355,000 followers”.

Generation Z, often shortened to Gen Z, this report concludes, are young Americans born in the early 1990s thorough the early 2010s, who are more persuaded by popular social media influencers than by leftist media propaganda—among the most popular social media influencers in America is Black entertainer-rapper Amber Rose, who has over 24 million followers on Instagram alone, where she stunned socialist elites last week with her full support of President Trumpwhen a TMZ reporter asked her yesterday about President Trump: “Does him getting convicted change the way you view him?”, Amber Rose replied: “No, not at all...I think it helps him more...Oh, it helps him more...Yeah, absolutely...I think people see the injustice and what happened, and they want to vote for him more than ever”—and when the TMZ reporter asked her: “So it seems like a lot of celebrities are voting for Trump now...Why do you think people are changing their way of voting?”, Amber Rose fired back to the absolute horror of socialist elites and their leftist media propagandists: “I think we just did our research, and we’re not brainwashed anymore by the left...I can say that about myself...All these years, I’ve been brainwashed, and I’m not anymore”.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]






June 9, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about  the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

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