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Note: Over
the past few weeks we’ve received a number of anonymous emails from both
In one of these anonymous
emails (which we assume comes from some group within Wikipedia) we received a
copy of what these articles about the Sorcha Faal said, and we’ve copied it
here, below, for you to read.
As many of you know too, we
have never associated ourselves with CIA/MI6 funded websites like Wikipedia,
Facebook, Twitter, etc. due to their widespread use of propaganda and
disinformation, but believe you’d find this information instructive in knowing
how the manipulation of information is being used to keep not just you, but
everyone, as ignorant as possible.
Note: The following Wikipedia copyrighted content is
being shared under all applicable international Creative Commons
licenses and in the
Sorcha Faal is the pseudonym of a self-described conspiracy theory author. Faal combines current news events with storytelling techniques, focusing on an anti-United States government, anti-war movement viewpoint opposing censorship in the U.S. and mass surveillance in the U.S. Many of Faal's articles, called “reports”, have gained global notoriety, including in the U.S. where the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) used 10 of them in a 2009 report on right-wing terrorism, and in China when the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party named one of them in its top 10 rumor/conspiracy stories for 2010.
and prominence of reports
Since the establishment of its website in 2003, Faal reports focus on an “enemy within” and “enemy above” viewpoint described by Jesse Walker as conspirators lurking inside the nation, indistinguishable from ordinary citizens. Large numbers of people are susceptible to conspiracy theories with sixty-three percent of registered voters in the United States buying into at least one political-conspiracy theory, with many believing in several, and has long been a staple of American political culture where numerous high-level prominent conspiracies have been undertaken and uncovered since the 1960s.
Though there is no substantial or reliable confirmation as to the identity of Faal, some American mainstream sources claim that this anonymous author works in concert with Russia, while some Russian mainstream media sources claim Faal works '”within the American elite”.
In 2008, Christopher Story, best known for his collaboration with KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn on the 1995 book The Perestroika Deception: Memoranda to the Central Intelligence Agency, alleged that Faal was a U.S. military intelligence operative working with an Irish source, but provided no credible evidence to support this claim.
In 2013, the American multiplatform news network The Blaze alleged an identity for Faal in an expansive article that provided no credible proof, or evidence, to support their claim.
In 2015, the American magazine The Atlantic alleged in
an article ,without offering substantial and/or credible proof, that a
Faal report was part of a “state
propaganda effort” with Russian press agencies regarding the Metrojet Flight 9268
crash over
In 2016, the Russian newspaper Trud claimed that Faal was affiliated with foreign intelligence services by saying: “Experts noted that the Sorcha Faal's website is a flush tank, through which one of the groups of American military and political elite merges information uncomfortable for their opponents. "Of course, for the project are special services, but who exactly to understand yet difficult: British MI6, Mossad, CIA, DIA (Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense) and the American National Security Agency, for example”. Professor of the Diplomatic Academy of Russia Igor Panarin also said about Faal: “Of course, it is an element of information warfare, but within the American elite”.
In 2016, the Russian television channel REN TV alleged, without
offering proof, that Sorcha
Faal was a portal for unnamed intelligence services.
used by U.S. DHS
Concerns that Faal was in some way affiliated with the U.S. government were
first raised in 2009 by the conservative political advocacy organization Americans
for Limited Government when they posted on their website a Freedom
of Information Act reply from the Department
of Homeland Security (DHS) that stated 10
Faal articles had been used by the DHS in compiling their controversial
report titled Right-wing Extremism Current
Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and
named by
In 2011, the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist
Party, People's
Daily, named a Faal report about a “stargate”
opening in the Gulf of
Aden as one
of their top 10 rumor/conspiracy stories for the year 2010.
qualities of reports
The findings of University of Oxford physicist David Robert Grimes, who in his scientific paper titled On the Viability of Conspiratorial Beliefs (published in the Public Library of Science peer-reviewed open access scientific journal PLOS ONE) devised a “simple mathematical model” to prove, or disprove, a conspiracy theory, confirms the predictive qualities of many Faal reports, including these five examples:
1.) A June 28, 2007, Sorcha Faal report titled U.S. Banking Collapse ‘Imminent’ Warns French Banking Giant predated many aspects of the Financial Crisis of 2007–08 including the collapse of U.S. banks Bear Stearns (went defunct in March 2008) and Lehman Brothers (filed for bankruptcy on September 15, 2008).
A October 25, 2008, Sorcha Faal report titled Iranian Leader In Secret
Meet With Obama At U.S. Military Stronghold In Hawaii lays the basis
for the rapprochement between the United States and Iran that occurred 7 years
later in 2015 with the signing of the Iran nuclear
deal framework.
A February 24, 2014, Sorcha Faal report titled Putin Orders Troops To Crimea
Passes, Warns NATO Of War said that Russia was preparing for “all out war”—and was confirmed as being
true in March 2015 when Russian President Vladimir Putin admitted that he had
been ready to put his countries nuclear forces on alert over Crimea.
A August 1, 2014, Sorcha Faal report titled India Shocks World, Joins
Russia Against Obama Regime said that the destruction of Muammar Gaddafi was
due to his plan to start having Libyan oil paid for in gold—and was confirmed
as being true by Vice
News in January 2016 from a April 2, 2011 email sent from Sidney Blumenthal to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
revealing that the invasion of Libya was launched to prevent Muammar Gaddafi from
establishing a pan-African currency based on Libya’s gold Dinar for the use
selling oil.
A November 7, 2015, Sorcha Faal report titled Russian Emissary Death In
U.S. Spurs Flight To Moscow Of Plane Shootdown Terrorists highlighted
the believed to be at the time heart attack death of Russian media tycoon, and
President Vladimir Putin aide, Mikhail Lesin in
Washington D.C.—but whose death was revealed
four months later, on March 10, 2016, to have been caused by “blunt force injuries to his head”.
Firm suspicions that Sorcha Faal, and other such conspiracy theory authors, are being targeted by the U.S. government emerged in 2008 when the former Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Obama administration, Cass Sunstein, co-wrote with Harvard Law School legal scholar Adrian Vermeule a report titled Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures that advocated these responses against them:
In 2014, the suspicions that the U.S. was targeting Sorcha Faal and other conspiracy authors by implementing the responses against them advocated by the Sunstein-Vermeule Conspiracy Theory report were confirmed as being true with the release of secret U.S. intelligence documents by Edward Snowden that proved covert American agents had infiltrated the internet to manipulate, deceive and destroy the reputations of not only Sorcha Faal, but all other dissidents considered as enemies by the Obama administration.