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What You Aren’t Being Told About The World You Live In


Battle Begins For Throne of This World: The Return of the Einherjar Warriors

By: Sorcha Faal “The truest accounting of our World’s present state of Global Chaos, the ‘whys’ and ‘how’s’ are presented in this epic history of what has been kept hidden from humanity. (Continued)


Picking up the Pieces: Practical Guide for Surviving Economic Crashes, Internal Unrest and Military Suppression       By: Sorcha Faal “In the span of less than 3 months gasoline prices will rise 500%.  The prices of both food and shelter rise over 300%. (Continued)

The True Knowledge of The Three Minds: When The Three Become One By: Sorcha FaalWith knowledge obtained from the most ancient of texts, including the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, join Sorcha Faal on one of the most incredible and important journeys into the truest knowledge of human beings. (Continued)

Partisans Handbook: By: Sorcha Faal “Essential Survival Guide For Resisting Foreign Military Occupation, Escape And Evasion Techniques, Surviving Interrogation, Facing Execution, Wilderness Survival (Continued)

The Children of Winter: Apocalyptic Message of Hope By: Sorcha Faal "Not told by Sorcha herself alone, but by the Children of Winter themselves, who at 6 years of age the weather had no effect upon them as they walked naked in the snows of winter.  Who at 10 years of age could walk thorough boiling water with no burns or (Continued)

Code Red: The Coming Destruction Of The United States Limited release of the perhaps one of the most prophetic books of our time relating to the underlying causes, and history, of the downfall of America (Continued)


July 24, 2008

Putin Orders Russian Military ToImmediately’ Counter US Moves

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)

Reports from the Kremlin today are stating that an ‘enraged’ Prime Minister Putin has ordered the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense to ‘immediately’ begin countering the provocative war movements currently underway by the US. 

Russian forces had previously embarked upon a more aggressive war footing stance against the US by resuming Naval patrols in the Arctic and long-range bomber flights in both the Arctic and Atlantic Ocean regions.

Already upset with the Americans for their sending of US Troops to train with Georgian Military Forces amid rising tensions with that US backed dictatorship, these reports continue, Putin became ‘absolutely livid’ upon hearing the threats leveled against Russia by one of the US Air Forces Top Officers, General Norton Schwartz, and who had stated in response to Western news reports of Russian bombers being based in Cuba:

"If they did I think we should stand strong and indicate that is something that crosses a threshold, crosses a red line for the United States of America."

Especially upsetting to Putin was that the Western reports to which General Schwartz was proactively responding to were not official Russian Military doctrine but were, instead, the ‘thoughts’ of a former Russian General, and as we can see evidenced by Russia’s RIA Novosti News Service report:

"The possible deployment of Russian strategic bombers in Cuba may be an effective response to the placement of NATO bases near Russia's borders, a former Air Force commander said on Monday.

However, Deinekin said the possibility of Russian bombers being stationed in Cuba is largely hypothetical, because Russia's Tu-160 Blackjack and Tu-95MS Bear strategic bombers are both capable of reaching the U.S. coast, patrolling the area for about 1.5 hours, and returning to airbases in Russia with mid-air refueling."

It is well known that the US government and media propaganda outlets are continuing their ever growing drumbeat of war fears to support the continued militarization of their peoples but, and as Putin has previously stated, “We will not allow them (the US) to do this at Russia’s expense.”

Russian Military response to Putin’s order against the US has been swift with Alexander Pikayev, of the Institute for World Economic Sciences, stating that Russia could reactivate its radar bases in Cuba, Russia accelerating its deployment of its powerful air defense S-300 missile batteries to Iran, and Putin himself calling for stronger military ties between Russia and Venezuela.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was also quick to scold the US by blaming the Americans for current Global economic doom spreading around the World and echoing Brazil’s President  Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva who has condemned the Americans for ‘creating a circus out of their economy’.

As the US backed Nations of Georgia and Thailand are preparing for war on the very doorsteps of Russia and China in a move to put the Russian and Chinese Nations in ‘checkmate’, and as the Americans continue their rapid escalation of war moves against South America, one can only wonder if, indeed, Total World War cannot be far behind.

But, and as we had previously reported on, the moves being made by the United States are indeed consistent if looked upon through the prism of End Time Theology, and whose adherents are determined to engulf our World in flames to further the aims of their ancient gods, but if looked upon as our most ancient ancestors did, and warned us about, are about to unleash horrors upon us all by not gods, but true monsters.

© July 24, 2008 EU and US all rights reserved.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]


Por: Sorcha Faal y como lo informa a sus suscriptores occidentales


Informes del Kremlin están señalando el día de hoy que un 'enfurecido'

Primer Ministro Putin ha ordenado al Ministerio de la Defensa de la

Federación Rusa que comience 'de inmediato' a contrarrestar los provocadores

movimientos de guerra que actualmente está llevando a cabo Estados Unidos.


Las fuerzas Rusas se habían embarcado previamente en una actitud en pie de

guerra más agresiva contra la reanudación de patrullas navales por parte de

los Estados Unidos en el Ártico y de vuelos de bombarderos de largo alcance

en las regiones tanto del Ártico como del Atlántico.


Ya molestos con los Estadounidenses por enviar tropas de su país para

entrenar a las fuerzas militares de Georgia y haciendo crecer las tensiones

con esa dictadura apoyada por los Estados Unidos, siguen señalando estos

informes, Putin se puso "totalmente lívido" al escuchar las amenazas contra

Rusia por uno de los más altos oficiales de las Fuerzas Aéreas

Estadounidenses, General Norton Schwartz, y que había apuntado en respuesta

a los medios noticiosos occidentales sobre los bombarderos Rusos con base en



"Si lo hicieron creo que deberíamos de oponernos fuertemente e indicar que

es algo que se pasa de la raya, cruza una raya roja, así lo consideran los

Estados Unido de América".


Especialmente inquietante para Putin fueron los informes occidentales a los

que el General Schwartz estaba respondiendo tan activamente, pues no era la

doctrina oficial militar Rusa sino los 'pensamientos' de un ex General Ruso

como lo evidencia el servicio noticioso Ruso, RIA Novosti.


"El posible despliegue de bombarderos estratégicos Rusos en Cuba podría ser

una respuesta efectiva a la colocación de bases de la OTAN cerca de las

fronteras Rusas, un ex comandante de la Fuerza Aérea dijo el lunes.


Sin embargo, Deinekin dijo que la posibilidad de que los bombarderos Rusos

estén estacionados en Cuba es mucho muy hipotética, porque los bombarderos

Rusos Tu-160 Blackjack y Tu-95MS Bear, los dos, cuentan con la capacidad de

alcanzar la costa Estadounidense, patrullar el área por 1.5 horas y regresar

a sus bases en Rusia con re-abastecimiento de combustible en vuelo".


Es bien conocido que el gobierno y los medios de propaganda Estadounidenses

están continuando sus cada vez más fuertes sus tamborileos de guerra para

causar temor y (conseguir) apoyo para la continua militarización de su

pueblo pero, como Putin lo ha declarado previamente, "No les permitiremos (a

los Estados Unidos) hacer esto a costillas de Rusia".


La respuesta militar Rusa a la orden de Putin contra los Estados Unidos ha

sido rápida con Alexander Pikayev, del Instituto para las Ciencias

Económicas Mundiales, apuntando que Rusia podría reactivar sus bases de

radar en Cuba, acelerando Rusia su despliegue de su poderosas baterías de

mísiles S-300 de defensa aérea hacia Irán, el mismo Putin llamando para

reforzar lazos militares más fuertes entre Rusia y Venezuela.


El Presidente Ruso Dmitry Medvedev fue rápido también en reconvenir a los

Estados Unidos al culpar a los Estadounidenses por el actual fracaso

económico mundial que se está extendiendo por todo el mundo y haciendo eco

del Presidente Brasileño Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva quien ha censurado a los

Estadounidenses por "hacer de su economía un circo".


Mientras las naciones de Georgia y Tailandia, apoyadas por los Estados

Unidos, se están preparando para la guerra en las mismas puertas de Rusia y

China en un movimiento para poner a los países Ruso y Chino en jaque y

mientras los Estadounidenses continúan su rápida escalada de movimientos de

guerra contra América de Sur, uno sólo se puede preguntar si, en realidad,

la Guerra Mundial Total no puede estar lejos.


Pero, y como se ha reportado previamente, los movimientos que está haciendo

Estados Unidos son realidad consistentes si se miran a través del prisma de

la Tecnología del Final de los Tiempos, y cuyos partidarios están decididos

a sumir al mundo en llamas para superar los objetivos de sus antiguos dioses

pero si vemos bien lo que hicieron nuestros ancestros, y sobre lo que nos

advirtieron, están a punto de desatar horrores sobre todos nosotros no por

los dioses, sino por verdaderos monstruos.

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico

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