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October 1, 2012

US Family Massacred After Begging Russia For Help

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers


A shocking new Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today alleges that an entire American family that sought Russian protection from the Obama regime was massacred by US intelligence agents within hours of their planned escape from the United States.

According to this report, on 22 September a woman who indentified herself as Kathleen Peterson visited the Russian Centre for Science and Culture in Washington D.C. under the pretense of signing up to take a course titled Russian Language Express Course A-1 for beginners set to begin on 26 September whereupon she approached director Yuriy Zaytsev and “slipped into his hand,” while shaking it, an encrypted computer thumb drive covered in a small note that said “please help us we’re in danger.”

Following “standard protocols” for such instances, when Russian officials are approached on American soil by US citizens, this report continues, the note and thumb drive in question were “processed” according to “established procedures” and revealed the plans of Mrs. Peterson, her husband Albert [both pictured 2nd photo left], and their two children, Mathew and Christopher, to leave Washington D.C. on 23 September on a flight to Paris where it was requested they be met by Russian security personal as this family feared their lives were in danger.

Within 24 hours of Mrs. Peterson passing her information to Russian officials, this report says, she, her husband and two children were violently gunned down in their Fairfax County Virginia home on 23 September with this massacre being blamed by US police officials on a murder-suicide plot initiated by her husband, Albert, with at least one Western news source, quoting a source indentified only as “Maggie L.”, stating this tragedy was due to his, Albert’s, fears over Obama being reelected as US President.

According to US news sources, Albert Peterson was a longtime employee of the US defense giant Northrop Grumman until he resigned in 2009, and Kathleen Peterson was employed by the US defense contracting firm Blackbird Technologies located in Herndon, Virginia.

This FSB report, however, says that the likelihood of two highly placed US defense contractors holding America’s most top secret security clearances, such as Kathleen and Albert Peterson did, makes the report of their deaths being a murder-suicide “highly implausible” as only the most sound of mind persons are able to obtain such classified ratings.

This FSB report further states that the “most likely” reason for this families massacre was information possessed by Mrs. Peterson from her working with Blackbird Technologies, which Russian intelligence sources in this report name as one of the most feared and secretive organizations in the United States charged with establishing a total police state upon the American people.

Blackbird Technologies is a technology solutions provider that says their mission is to solve challenging problems for customers in the US Defense, Intelligence, and Law Enforcement Communities. They further state that their technical expertise, innovation, and operational experience meets their customers' unique and complex challenges and lists as one of their core competencies: “tagging, tracking, and locating expertise, including experience with technical systems that provide a clear picture of operational assets and targets.”

Russian intelligence sources in this report, however, state that Blackbird Technologies real mission is to produce and keep constantly updated what is called the “Obama Kill List” that was described by the Washington Post News Service as an “assertion of a presidential prerogative that the administration can target for death people it decides are terrorists — even American citizens — anywhere in the world, at any time, on secret evidence with no review.”

Virtually unknown to the American people about Obama’s Kill List was his expansion of it with his midnight 31 December 2011 signing of a new law called the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (NDAA) which allows the American President to not only kill anyone he wants to without trial or charges, but, also, in Section 1021, allows the US Military to detain indefinitely without trial anyone, including US civilians, it chooses to.

Though not reported by the US mainstream media, at a recent conference on the NDAA law by some of America’s most prominent freedom advocates, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges, said he believed that there are already America citizens held in military detention by the US at home and abroad.

Mr. Hedge’s views were shared by others opposing the NDAA law who wrote this past week on the US Federal Court Case opposing it who said: “If the Obama administration simply appealed it, as we expected, it would have raised this red flag. But since they were so aggressive it means that once Judge Forrest declared the law invalid, if they were using it, as we expect, they could be held in contempt of court. This was quite disturbing, for it means, I suspect, that U.S. citizens, probably dual nationals, are being held in military detention facilities almost certainly overseas and maybe at home.”

This FSB report further notes Blackbird Technologies “tracking and tagging” of those US citizens destined to be placed in America’s most feared prisons called Communication Management Units, or CMU’s. These secretive political prisons for “domestic terrorists” radically restricts prisoner communications with the outside world to levels that rival, or exceed, the most restrictive facilities in the country, including the dreaded “Supermax”, and any other such prison operating in the Western world.

To the exact reason the Peterson family was targeted for elimination by the US may, in fact, never be known, but should send a chill down any Americans spine as yet another example of the fate one faces should they dare to challenge the regime ruling over them.

October 1, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]

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