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What You Aren’t Being Told About The World You Live In

“Dirty, Filthy, Christians”: Treatise On The Most Dangerous Death Cult In Human History

An unprecedented work detailing the agenda behind the greatest deception ever foisted upon humanity. (Continued)


Battle Begins For Throne of This World: The Return of the Einherjar Warriors

By: Sorcha Faal “The truest accounting of our World’s present state of Global Chaos, the ‘whys’ and ‘how’s’ are presented in this epic history of what has been kept hidden from humanity. (Continued)


Picking up the Pieces: Practical Guide for Surviving Economic Crashes, Internal Unrest and Military Suppression       By: Sorcha Faal “In the span of less than 3 months gasoline prices will rise 500%.  The prices of both food and shelter rise over 300%. (Continued)

The True Knowledge of The Three Minds: When The Three Become One By: Sorcha FaalWith knowledge obtained from the most ancient of texts, including the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, join Sorcha Faal on one of the most incredible and important journeys into the truest knowledge of human beings. (Continued)

Partisans Handbook: By: Sorcha Faal “Essential Survival Guide For Resisting Foreign Military Occupation, Escape And Evasion Techniques, Surviving Interrogation, Facing Execution, Wilderness Survival (Continued)

The Children of Winter: Apocalyptic Message of Hope By: Sorcha Faal "Not told by Sorcha herself alone, but by the Children of Winter themselves, who at 6 years of age the weather had no effect upon them as they walked naked in the snows of winter.  Who at 10 years of age could walk thorough boiling water with no burns or (Continued)

Code Red: The Coming Destruction Of The United States Limited release of the perhaps one of the most prophetic books of our time relating to the underlying causes, and history, of the downfall of America (Continued)


September 26, 2008

US Issues Unprecedented DEFCON 1 Alert

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)

Russian Military Analysts are reporting in the Kremlin today that the United States Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, has alerted his World-Wide military commands to begin preparations for the raising of America’s Defense Condition (DEFCON) “on or about” October 7th to their highest status DEFCON 1.

United States ally Israel has, likewise, raised its alert status to their highest level, and as we can read as reported by the World Tribune News Service:

“Israel's military has been placed on high alert following an airline bomb scare and reports of other threats. "There is an assessment that something very bad will take place over the next few weeks, perhaps over the Jewish holidays," an official said.”

This unprecedented action by the United States in raising its alert status came almost immediately after American and Pakistani troops traded fire today, and as we can read as reported by the New York Times News Service:

“Pakistani and American ground troops exchanged fire along the border with Afghanistan on Thursday after the Pakistanis shot at two American helicopters, ratcheting up tensions as the United States increases its attacks against militants from Al Qaeda and the Taliban, who are being sheltered in Pakistan’s restive tribal areas.”

Nuclear armed Pakistan’s Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani yesterday issued to the Americans a stern warning stating, “I want to declare categorically that we will not tolerate violation of our sovereignty by anyone in the name of combating terrorism.”, but to which the US Defense Secretary Gates replied, “The United Nations charter allows the US to act in self-defence against international terrorists in Pakistan if the government was unable, or unwilling to deal with them.”

These reports further state that the FSB is ‘standing by’ their previous reports stating that the United States is entering a stage of ‘profound change’ that will see their present government completely overturned, and as we had previously on in our September 16th report  US To Declare October ‘Economic Emergency’, Suspend Elections”.

It is interesting to note that just yesterday, US Presidential Candidate, John McCain, began the process of derailing the American Campaign system by his announcing the suspension of his campaign to concentrate his efforts on his Nations current financial crisis.

Prime Minister Putin’s anger against the United States for the continued use of their “money printing machine”, and as we had previously reported on in our September 22nd report “Russia-China Prepare Massive Gold ‘Shock’ For Global Economy”, for dealing with this crisis is raising more calls in Russia for the total remaking of the World’s economic system.

One of the most popular plans among Russian economic experts is the return to the Gold Standard, and as we can read as reported by the RIA Novosti News Service:

Second, the Russian leaders might also consider making their own currency, the rouble, convertible into gold. The idea of gold convertible currencies is extremely unpopular among most [Western] economists:  they dismiss gold as a "barbarous relic" (to use the famous phrase of John Maynard Keynes) and suggest either the present regime of paper currencies or, at best, a link to a basket of commodities.

To the greatest insight, however, to these rapidly escalating events occurring in the United States that is destroying their Nation we can read from an American author who in great detail has tried to warn her fellow citizens of the dangers they face:

Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine advances a truly unnerving argument: historically, while people were reeling from natural disasters, wars and economic upheavals, savvy politicians and industry leaders nefariously implemented policies that would never have passed during less muddled times. As Klein demonstrates, this reprehensible game of bait-and-switch isn't just some relic from the bad old days. It's alive and well in contemporary society, and coming soon to a disaster area near you.

“At the most chaotic juncture in Iraq'' civil war, a new law is unveiled that will allow Shell and BP to claim the country's vast oil reserves… Immediately following September 11, the Bush Administration quietly outsources the running of the 'War on Terror' to Halliburton and Blackwater… After a tsunami wipes out the coasts of Southeast Asia, the pristine beaches are auctioned off to tourist resorts… New Orleans residents, scattered from Hurricane Katrina, discover that their public housing, hospitals and schools will never be re-opened." Klein not only kicks butt, she names names, notably economist Milton Friedman and his radical Chicago School of the 1950s and 60s which she notes "produced many of the leading neo-conservative and neo-liberal thinkers whose influence is still profound in Washington today.”

Unfortunately, these American people still fail to see the crushing blows being prepared for them over these coming weeks that though they can still prepare for them, they remain frozen in place by the fear being exerted upon them by their own leaders.

© September 26, 2008 EU and US all rights reserved.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]


Por: Sorcha Faal y como lo informa a sus suscriptores Occidentales

Los analistas militares Rusos están informando en el Kremlin el día de hoy que el Secretario de la Defensa de los Estados Unidos, Robert Gates, ha alertado a sus comandos militares en todo el mundo para que comiencen los preparativos para elevar la Condición de Defensa de los Estados Unidos (DEFCON) “en o alrededor de” Octube 7 a su máximo status DEFCON 1.

Igualmente, Israel, aliado de los Estados Unidos ha elevado su status de alerta a su máximo nivel y como lo podemos leer en el World Tribune:

“El ejército Israelí se ha colocado en alerta máxima después de un susto de bomba en una aerolínea y reportes de otras amenazas. ‘Existe una apreciación de que algo muy malo sucederá en las próximas semanas tal vez en las festividades Judíasdijo un funcionario”.

Esta acción sin precedentes por parte de los Estados Unidos en elevar su status de alerta llegó casi inmediatamente después de que las tropas Estadounidenses y Pakistaníes intercambiaron fuego el día de hoy y como lo reporta el New York Times:

Tropas terrestres Pakistaníes y Estadounidenses intercambiaron fuego a lo largo de la frontera con Afganistán el jueves después de que los Pakistaníes le dispararon a dos helicópteros Estadounidenses, elevando las tensiones mientras los Estados Unidos aumentan sus ataques contra los militantes de Al’Qaida y el Talibán, que están refugiados en las ingobernables áreas tribales del Pakistán.

El Primer Ministro del nuclearmente armado Pakistán, Yousuf Raza Gilani ayer lanzó a los Estadounidenses una seria advertencia subrayando que: “Quiero declarar categóricamente que no toleraremos violación a nuestra soberanía de parte de nadie que venga en el nombre del combate al terrorismopero ante lo que el Secretario de la Defensa, Gates replicó: “La Carta de las Naciones Unidas permite a los Estados Unidos actuar en defensa propia contra los terroristas internacionales en Pakistán si el gobierno no es capaz o no tiene la voluntad de lidiar con ellos”.

Estos informes además señalan que las FSB ‘sostienensus anteriores reportes indicando que los Estados Unidos están entrando a una etapa de ‘cambio profundoque verá a su actual gobierno completamente derribado y como lo informamos en nuestro reporte del 16 de septiembre “EE.UU. LISTO PARA DECLARAR ‘EMERGENCIA ECONÓMICA’ EN OCTUBRE, SUSPENDERÁ ELECCIONES”

Es interesante observar que apenas ayer, el candidato Presidencial Estadounidense, John McCain, comenzó el proceso de descarrilar el sistema de campaña Estadounidense al anunciar la suspensión de su propia campaña para concentrarse en sus esfuerzos sobre la actual crisis financiera Estadounidense.

La rabia del Primer Ministro Putin contra los Estados Unidos por el uso continuo de sumaquinita impresora de dinero” y como lo presentamos en nuestra pieza del 22 de septiembreRusia-China PreparanGolpe de Oropara la Economía Global” para manejar esta crisis está haciendo más llamados sobre Rusia para la re-hechura total del sistema económico mundial.

Uno de los planes más populares entre los expertos Rusos de economía es el regreso al Standard del Oro, y como lo podemos ver en el reporte de la RIA Novosti:

“Segundo, los líderes Rusos podrían considerar también hacer su propia moneda, el Rublo, convertible al oro. La idea de monedas convertibles al oro, es extremadamente impopular entre la mayoría de los economistas (Occidentales): la rechazan como una de lasreliquias bárbaras” (para usar la popular frase de John Maynard Keynes) y sugieren el actual régimen de las monedas papel o, cuando mucho, un enlace a una canasta de productos.

El mayor discernimiento, no obstante, de estos sucesos que escalan rápidamente y que están sucediendo en los Estados Unidos que están destruyendo a su nación podemos leer de un autor Estadounidense que con gran detalle ha tratado de advertir a sus conciudadanos los peligros que enfrentan:

“Los avances de La Doctrina de Choque, de Naomi Klein, un verdaderamente desconcertante argumento históricamente, mientras que la gente estaba aturdida por los desastres naturales, las guerras y los trastornos económicos, comprensivos políticos y los líderes industriales que implementaron atrozmente políticas que nunca hubieran sido aprobadas en tiempos menos confusos. Como lo demuestra Klein, este reprensible juego de anzuelo y cambio no es sólo una reliquia de los malos días pasados. Está vivito y coleando en la sociedad contemporánea y se viene acercando muy pronto a un área de desastre cerca de ti.

“En la coyuntura más caótica –en la guerra civil - de Irak”, se revela una nueva ley que permitirá a la Shell y a la BP reclamar las vastas reservas petroleras del país. Inmediatamente después del 11 de septiembre, la administración Bush, muy calladita, les pasa la operación de la “Guerra del Terror” a la Halliburton y Blackwater. Después de que un tsunami borrara las costas del Sureste de Asia, la prístinas playas son subastadas a los complejos turísticos. Los residentes de Nueva Orleáns, desparramados por el Huracán Katrina, descubren que su vivienda, hospitales y escuelas públicas no volverán a abrir”. Klein no solo patea traseros, ella menciona nombres, notablemente el economista Milton Friedman y su radical Escuela de Chicago de los 1950’s y 1960’s que ella señalaprodujo muchos de los pensadores principales NeoConservadores y NeoLiberales cuya influencia es todavía profunda hoy en Washington”.

Desafortunadamente, estas gentes Estadounidenses todavía no logran ver los aplastantes golpes que les están siendo preparados para ellos en estas semanas que vienen que aunque todavía se pueden aprestar para ellos, se quedan congelados por el miedo que les está siendo impuesto por sus propios líderes.

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico

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