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What You Aren’t Being Told About The World You Live In


Battle Begins For Throne of This World: The Return of the Einherjar Warriors

By: Sorcha Faal “The truest accounting of our World’s present state of Global Chaos, the ‘whys’ and ‘how’s’ are presented in this epic history of what has been kept hidden from humanity. (Continued)


Picking up the Pieces: Practical Guide for Surviving Economic Crashes, Internal Unrest and Military Suppression       By: Sorcha Faal “In the span of less than 3 months gasoline prices will rise 500%.  The prices of both food and shelter rise over 300%. (Continued)

The True Knowledge of The Three Minds: When The Three Become One By: Sorcha FaalWith knowledge obtained from the most ancient of texts, including the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, join Sorcha Faal on one of the most incredible and important journeys into the truest knowledge of human beings. (Continued)

Partisans Handbook: By: Sorcha Faal “Essential Survival Guide For Resisting Foreign Military Occupation, Escape And Evasion Techniques, Surviving Interrogation, Facing Execution, Wilderness Survival (Continued)

The Children of Winter: Apocalyptic Message of Hope By: Sorcha Faal "Not told by Sorcha herself alone, but by the Children of Winter themselves, who at 6 years of age the weather had no effect upon them as they walked naked in the snows of winter.  Who at 10 years of age could walk thorough boiling water with no burns or (Continued)

Code Red: The Coming Destruction Of The United States Limited release of the perhaps one of the most prophetic books of our time relating to the underlying causes, and history, of the downfall of America (Continued)


September 11, 2008

CERN Attempt To ‘Talk To God’ Nails Heart Of Earth…Again

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)

Russian Physicists are reporting today that Western Scientists, in their attempts to reestablish ‘contact’ with their ‘ancient gods’ through the $8 billion Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator, operated by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), have, once again, ‘nailed the heart’ of our Earth, and as we had previously reported on in our May 13, 2008 report “CERN ‘Nailed Heart Of Earth’ With China Quake, Chilean Volcano”, and wherein we had stated:

“The team of Russian Physicists who assisted in the construction of the Large Hadron Collider for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), located in Switzerland, are reporting today that an experiment being conducted during the colliders ‘cool down’ phase has resulted in what they are calling an ‘antiquark spree’ that has, literally, “Nailed the heart of Earth”.

Working in conjunction with Chile’s National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT), these reports continue, CERN scientists, while attempting to establish a quark based means of near speed-of-light communications with other Western scientific and military installations, ‘lost control’ of this experiment on the South American ‘anchor’ triggering an ‘unexpected’ stream of antiquark’s which first ignited a massive volcanic eruption in Chile, and in a ‘straight shot’ through the entire planet has further triggered a catastrophic 7.8 magnitude earthquake in China.”

These reports further state that in this latest CERN experiment, which Russian Scientists claim is the West’s attempt to establish ‘inter-dimensional communication gateways’, Israeli Professor Giora Mikenberg began utilizing the Large Hadron Collider as a modern day substitute for the ancient Ark of Moses, and which was, also, believed to be a method for the Hebrew peoples to communicate with their ‘god’.

However, like the events witnessed after this past May’s similar experiments, this latest one has proved just as catastrophic, as almost immediately after these tests began the antipode location on our Earth to CERN, and which is the South American Nation of Chile, was hit by a powerful 6.0 magnitude earthquake.

The ancillary feeder earthquakes recoiling around our Earth’s core further caused nearly simultaneous in Japan, where a powerful 7.0 magnitude earthquake caused a tsunami; Iran, where a  powerful 6.1 magnitude earthquake caused a Global nuclear test scare, and has killed at least 7 people; and Indonesia, where another powerful 6.6 magnitude earthquake rocked its northern areas.

Though it is not in our knowing the fullest extent of these Western actions against our World, it is wise to repeat our earlier words after the last attempt by these madmen to resurrect these ancient gods:

“To whatever the outcome of these latest CERN experiments will lead our World, it remains to be seen if these scientists can really play God without having the full instruction manual available to them.”

© September 11, 2008 EU and US all rights reserved.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]




Por: Sorcha Faal  y como lo informa a sus suscriptores occidentales

Físicos Rusos están informado hoy que Científicos Occidentales, en sus intentos por reestablecercontacto’ con susantiguos dioses’ a través de su acelerador de partículas del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones (LHC) con un valor de $ Billones de Dólares, operado por la Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear (CERN), de nuevo, ha clavado el corazón de la Tierra como lo habíamos informado en nuestro reporte del 13 de mayo de 2008, titulado “EL CERN ‘CLAVÓ EL CORAZON DE LA TIERRA CON EL TERREMOTO DE CHINA Y EL VOLCAN DE CHILE”  y donde señalamos que:

“El equipo de Físicos Rusos que ayudaron en la construcción del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones para la Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear (CERN) ubicado en Suiza, están informando el día de hoy que un experimento llevado a cabo durante la fase de “enfriamiento” de los colisionadores y que ha dado por resultado en algo que están llamandodescontrol anti-quark” que literalmente, ha “Clavado el corazón de la Tierra”.

Trabajando en conjunto con la Comisión Nacional para la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) de Chile, siguen señalando estos informes, los científicos de la CERN, mientras trataban de establecer un medio de comunicación basado en quarks con una velocidad cercana a la de la luz con otras instalaciones científicas y militares del Occidente, ‘perdieron el control’ de este experimento en el ‘anclaSudamericana detonando unainesperadacorriente de anti-quarks que primero encendió una gran erupción volcánica en Chile, y un ‘tiro directo’ a través de todo el planeta ha detonado a su vez, un catastrófico terremoto con magnitud de 7.8 en China.

Estos informes señalan también que en este reciente experimento de la CERN, que los Científicos Rusos afirman es el intento del Occidente por establecercorredores de comunicación inter-dimensional”, el Profesor Israelí, Giora Mikenberg comenzó utilizando el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones, como un sustituto moderno de la antigua Arca de Moisés, y la que, también, se cree, fue un método para los pueblos Hebreos de comunicación con sudios’.

No obstante, igual que los eventos atestiguados después de similares experimentos el pasado mes de mayo, este último ha probado ser tan catastrófico, que casi inmediatamente después de que comenzaron estas pruebas, la ubicación antípoda en nuestro planeta al CERN, y que es el Sudamericano país de Chile, fue sacudido por un poderoso terremoto de magnitud 6.0.

El ramal de terremotos que rodea el núcleo de nuestro planeta, también causó casi simultáneamente, un poderoso terremoto en el Japón de 7.0 magnitud que causo un tsunami; en Irán, un poderoso terremoto de magnitud  6.1 que causó un susto tipo prueba nuclear global y que ha causado la muerte de 7 personas e Indonesia, donde otro poderoso terremoto con magnitud 6.6 estremeció las zonas del norte.

Aunque no está dentro de nuestro conocimiento el grado total de estas acciones occidentales contra nuestro planeta, es prudente repetir nuestras anteriores palabras después del último intento por estos dementes para resucitar estos antiguos dioses:

Cualquiera que sea el resultado al que estos recientes experimentos de la CERN lleven a nuestro planeta, queda por ver si estos científicos pueden jugar de verdad a ser Dios sin tener el manual de instrucciones completo a la mano”.

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico

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