"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." 




June 29, 2011 Update:  There’s an old American folk wisdom that says when dangerous times are nearing one should “head for the hills!”  This wisdom once known throughout the history of the United States, but heeded most by those living in the Appalachia Mountain Ranges of the Eastern US who for generations sought the isolation and protection of the oldest and most biologically diverse place of its kind on the whole Earth.

The Appalachian Mountains, often called the Appalachians, are a vast system of mountains in eastern North America believed to have been the highest mountains on Earth roughly 460 million years ago and which without the United States could never have broken free of Great Britain during the American Revolution, nor could have survived their Great Civil War.

In the latter part of 1780 as the American Revolution appeared doomed and the main US Forces under George Washington were besieged on all sides, British Forces entered into the Appalachians to assert their control over these “peoples of the hills.”  What British commanders thought would be an easy campaign turned into the most decisive battle of the American Revolutionary War when on October 7, 1780 these “peoples of the hills” massed near Kings Mountain in North Carolina and crushed the British Forces sent against them thus leaving the left flank of Lord Cornwallis' main force unprotected and forcing his retreat to Yorktown, Virginia where he surrendered to Washington the following year on October 19, 1781.

Nearly 80 years later these “people of the hills” came to the defence of America again in the 1860’s when they sided with the Union Forces led by President Abraham Lincoln against the southern aristocrats of the Confederacy.  From the Appalachian regions of eastern Kentucky, Tennessee and western Virginia these “people of the hills” defeated all forces sent against them allowing Lincoln to break off from Virginia its entire western half to create the new pro-Union State of West Virginia. So important to the Union cause were these “people of the hills” that in an 1862 letter Lincoln wrote, “I think to lose Kentucky is nearly the same as to lose the whole game. Kentucky gone, we can not hold Missouri, nor, as I think, Maryland. These all against us, and the job on our hands is too large for us.”

The thanks given to these “people of the hills” by their fellow Americans over these past two-centuries has been nothing short of abominable with their being reduced in the public mind to nothing more than “hillbilly” caricatures depicted in movies and books as being illiterate poverty ridden failures as human beings.  In an America today where nearly every single alternative lifestyle, religious belief and minority are protected by law, these “people of the hills” remain cast off and set apart from the rest of the United States and are open and acceptable targets to even the most vile descriptions given of them.

Now the real truth hidden from the rest of America about these “people of the hills” is that they are as feared now as they have been for over two-centuries as they continue to choose a life of self sufficiency wishing to be let alone by everyone, especially government, of any kind.  Generous to a fault these “people of the hills” will on the one hand open their doors to total strangers in need, but when threatened not only how to defend their homes, they will do so with swift and deadly force.

Their fighting and survival skills are unsurpassed and have been honed for the past decade on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan where these “people of the hills” comprise over 45% of the total combat forces fighting in the US Military, and if anyone believes that they would ever turn and fight against their families if ordered to they couldn’t be more mistaken.  In fact, the gun control laws in the United States that have left the people (especially minorities) in their cities defenseless cannot be said of these “people of the hills” who by all estimates comprise one the largest armies in the world able to put into the field over 4 million armed citizens (PDF link), should they ever choose to, and supported by vast natural resources able to sustain them indefinably.       

For all of these reasons, and too many more to make note of in this short setting, Sister Therese Marlene choose this area of the United States to establish the Sisters of Sorcha Faal’s Appalachia Mountain Project as the Orders first refugee outpost in the United States.  Upon Sister Marlene’s establishing this project she enjoined those Americans seeking to protect themselves and their families to join her efforts with her January 15, 2008 posting “2008: All The Stones Are Set To Fall, Will They Fall On You?” (See Below)

Sister Marlene began her posting with the ominous and prophetic words: “2008 is set to become, for the vast number of Americans, their worst year in living memory due to the planned collapse of the US economy and all of the associated traumas that will accompany this historic event.”  

By the end of 2008 Sister Marlene’s words of warning came true and tens of millions of Americans have paid, and will continue to pay, the price for not heeding the warnings given to them and preparing themselves for the greater storms to come.  The reason for those not heeding these warnings are many, but can be basically summed up in stating that most of these people have forgotten that when everything comes apart they had better be prepared to help themselves because no one is going to be there to help them.

Now today we have received word from Sister Marlene that the Appalachia Mountain Project is ready to accept its final 10 members….one of them may be you.

This may very well be your last chance to gain for yourself and your family an affordable protection option in a world coming apart at the seams, so please read Sister Marlene’s original 2008 offering below while asking yourself not if you can afford this, but, instead, can you afford not to do it?  Keep in mind while considering this offer that the “elites” have already begun building their own survival shelters for what is to come, some as high as $25,000.

If you believe, really believe, that the richest people in America are spending hundreds of millions building their survival shelters just for the fun of it you couldn’t be more mistaken…and we can assure you that this offer from us will be the last one made before it all comes apart so make your decision wisely…and because there are only 10 more openings available…make it fast!   


2008: All The Stones Are Set To Fall, Will They Fall On You?

By: Sister Theresa Marlene                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Appalachia Mountain Project, US

January 15, 2008

2008 is set to become, for the vast number of Americans, their worst year in living memory due to the planned collapse of the US economy and all of the associated traumas that will accompany this historic event. 

As we Sisters have pointed out many times over the years, and is also plainly evident by the growing number of economic crises hitting Americans today, the only path towards the deconstruction of the United States is through crashing their economy.

The crashing of any Great Nations economy has proved over our long human history to be the World’s best indicator of the beginning of massive social reengineer projects and Total Global War; and these ‘signs’ of things to come are, literally, staring the American people in their very eyes, but which still remain closed.

In just the past 100 years alone our World has seen:

The West’s engineered collapse of the Russian Empire’s economic system which heralded the destruction of Tsar and led to the massive deaths of World War I and allowed the Soviet communists to begin their 70-year-long brutal reign over nearly half of our World.

The West’s engineered collapse of the Germany Empire’s economic system which heralded the destruction of German democracy leading the rise of the Nazis and World War II costing the lives of over 50 million human beings.

The West’s engineered collapse of the United States economic system which heralded the destruction of American democracy and ushered in the Great Depression and that Nations entrance into World War II.

The West’s engineered collapse of the Soviet Russian economic system which heralded the collapse of the Soviet Union and ushered in our present age of the American Empire, and which is currently embarked upon a course of Total Global War.

What is most important, however, to notice about these momentous events are how they have served to bring our World towards fewer Nations, fewer Empires, and have, instead, led us to our present times where blocs of Nations (North America Union, European Union, South American Union, African Union, South East Asia Union, Muslim State Union, etc.) have supplanted both our ancient tribal way of life and individual countries united by common history, language, religion, and purpose of life.

And, with this destruction of the most basic bonds which have held us together as human beings (homes, families, tribes), we exist now in a World of chaos which continually puts people into opposition with each other and leaves as ‘victors’ those who control the levers of financial power.

Now, I could continue my writings on the dire circumstances that are facing each and every one you, such as these headlines:

"Central banks in Europe and North America moved Wednesday to increase the amount of money they could lend to banks and to make it more readily available in an attempt to ease the credit squeeze. It was the first time since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York and on the Pentagon that these central banks have coordinated their support of financial markets."

Crisis may make 1929 look a 'walk in the park'

Why the era of cheap food is over: Corn, milk, bread, and other farm products hit record high prices in 2006 – and will likely keep rising in 2008.

Corn Rises to 11-Year High as China Sets Export Tax on Grains

Australia loses one of its biggest grain export customers, Egypt, over drought

US Investors should brace for shocks in 2008: 'This is not going to be pretty'

German Chancellor Angela Merkel warns of worldwide economic risks

US Housing Crash Continues

Record Number Of Home Foreclosures and Bankruptcies In US

What makes the future look even grimmer for the United States is that according to leading experts the only thing left holding up the American economy are what are being described as “Zombie Shoppers”, mindless consumers who care not about their future at all.


Where Do You Stand? Where Do You Fall?

The effort I am expending in writing to you today is presupposing that you are one of the few, very few, who understand the things I have just written about, are aware of the critical dangers you and your family are facing, and are searching for substantive and meaningful answers on how to survive the mountain of doom that is going to fall upon everyone.

We, the Sisters of Sorcha Faal may possibly have an answer for you and your family, please consider the following words most carefully.

For many years the Sisters of Sorcha Faal have devoted their energies towards the most poor and destitute of human beings throughout the World, in 2008 the United States has achieved the status of ‘imminently ready to fail’ that we have used as a guideline to direct our efforts towards the saving of human lives.  [Our last effort involving a Nation of size of the present United States was in Russia during its economic collapse of 1990-1991, and which we were able to successfully ensure the safety of hundreds of families facing certain economic ruin.]

With that being so, it is important for you to realize that in an economic collapse there are two vital necessities to surviving, having food and having shelter, and both of which are more secured by your working in concert with others than by working alone.

In a circumstance where you find yourself without a home and without food, and no income to pay for either, what will you do?  Or, more importantly, what can you do now, what can you afford to do to make sure this doesn’t happen?

A possible answer for you is our Appalachia Mountain Project, and where we have been granted the authorization to put under contract nearly 300 acres of undeveloped land in the South Eastern Mountain area of the United States for the development of self supporting and self sustaining survival communities.

Though you’re acting in concert with others, most often strangers, the benefits of communal survival, against any kind of threat, is the oldest method used by our human race, and, in fact, is still utilized by millions of your fellow human beings the World over even today as the benefits far outweigh anything that an individual can do by themselves.

It is important for you to realize that the Western style of ‘independent living’ is a lie that has been forced upon you and has nothing to do with reality.  Your homes are not owned by you they are owned by banks.  For most of you this also holds true with the vehicles you drive, the furniture you have in your house, and most everything else.

Though you may have the illusion that your life is one of independence nothing could be further from the truth as you do not grow or store your own food, you must continually shop to maintain the barest of necessities needed to live and have no way to obtain clothing for yourself other than to buy it.

Our offer to you today counters these illusions by providing to you, and your family, a solid foundation upon which to begin planning for your survival, but without having to do so while depleting your already dwindling sources of income.

Here is how our project works:

Note: This is limited to 10 Trust Members only.

A onetime payment of $500.00 secures your right to live, build upon, grow crops upon, and keep animals upon, on 104 acres of land of which one-half (1/2) acre of your choice is your for building or growing crops upon.

All land is held by a Trust which your payment secures your membership and ownership rights in.

Your Trust Rights are yours to keep for your lifetime and pass on to your heirs, however, your Trust Rights can never be sold to anyone at anytime.

A $50.00 monthly payment for 5 years per trust member secures free and clear deed to property for Trust. [Important Note: If for whatever reason in the future you should be unable to make this monthly payment it will be made by the trust for you.  Under no circumstances will you lose your land and/or trust membership rights.]

A yearly fee of $100.00 is payable by all Trust Members for communal property needs, which include: Payment of taxes and insurance, Purchase and maintenance of farm equipment, common animal shelters, etc.

All structures built upon Trust Land by the Trust Members belong to the Trust. (This protects those of you who may face a future bankruptcy from having your house seized.)

No outside utilities are allowed on Trust Land as they are built and maintained to be energy, waste and water self sufficient.

No genetically modified or hybrid crops are allowed to be planted on Trust Land. 

Trust Members are allowed to use Trust Land to store their personally belongings on as long as they so desire.

Participation in communal activities is up to the individual Trust Members themselves and they cannot be ordered by any other Trust Member, or group of Trust Members, to do anything at any time.

All executive functions (payment of taxes, insurance, purchase of communal farm equipment, animals, etc.) for the Trust Land is the sole responsibility of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in perpetuity.

The land being made available to Trust Members in this offer is extremely rural in nature meaning it is isolated and will require hiking and/or 4-wheel vehicle or horse or mule to fully access.  Those with medical problems are strongly discouraged from joining this project as there is no cell-phone service for this area in case of emergencies.

All Trust Land is outside of any nuclear evacuation zone should an emergency occur.

All Trust Land is overseen by local caretakers able to assist your building, growing and/or storage needs.

We strongly advise all Trust Members to be armed when on Trust Property to protect themselves from animal attack.

Now, and as hard as this may be to understand, the foregoing contains the entirety of the provisions and conditions anyone reading this need to agree to comply with to begin protecting themselves and their families from economic disaster.

$500.00 to be paid as down payment, $50.00 per month for five years, $100.00 a year after that and you will insure that the worst that could ever happen to you is that you get to your Trust Land and begin to recover your lives and build again.

What we suggest, however, is that once you join this project you make your plans to build, or to put some kind of other living structure (mobile home, trailer, camp site, etc.) on the land.  There are also those who use Trust Land to store their personal property upon.  And remember, insurance for your structures and property are already taken care of.

It is important to know, also, that Trust Lands are deliberately isolated and rural in nature to ensure the safety and protection of Trust Members and their families.  Trust Lands are also frequently near, and work in concert with, Amish communities, though are not affiliated religiously with either the Amish or their Mennonite supporters.

Your expertise and/or experience in living a rural lifestyle should also not be a deciding factor for you as all Trust Land is managed by expert farmers and land managers.

Upon our receipt of your $500.00 Trust Land Payment you will be contacted with additional information to include your Trust Membership Paperwork and location of the Trust Land Project you will be a part of.

Our many years of experience in establishing Trust Land Projects are what allows us to make what you can research and find out for yourself is one of the most secure investments towards your families survival existing today in the United States.

All that is needed now is for you to decide if $500.00 is to high a price to pay for that security.  We hope you choose wisely.

The following is the plot map of the 104 acres being granted to the Sorcha Faal Trust Members for this project.  Below the plot map are photographs of the land itself. It is important to remember that this land is part of an isolated valley in the rural Appalachia Mountains.

To become one of the 10 Members of the Sorcha Faal Land Trust you must make your initial payment below.  In signing up for your subscription now you will not be charged your $50.00 monthly payment until one month after when you sign up.

Notice: It is important that you note that your initial $500.00 down payment for full Trust Membership cannot be refunded unless you make a request within 10 days of your purchase. Your remaining balance owed ($50.00 per month for 60 months) can be paid in monthly installments. As with all purchases such as these you are encouraged to contact your attorney and/or tax professional for advice prior to making this commitment and/or signing any documents. 

Note: Though Trust Members are allowed hunting and fishing rights (with proper State Licenses) the trapping of the beavers on the property, or the destruction of beaver dams, is strictly forbidden under State Law.

Full Trust Membership



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