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December 10, 2015
Russian “Doomsday Fury” Pummels Islamic
State As Obama Prepares 100,000 Invasion Troops
Sorcha Faal, and as
reported to her Western Subscribers
The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is reporting today that Aerospace Forces operating in the Levant War Zone have unleashed over the past 5 days what they designate as a wholesale “Doomsday Fury” bombing campaign against Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) terrorist forces operating in Syria—and which new reports are now showing the Obama regime is preparing a 100,000 member invasion force to fight against too.
According to this report, between 5-8
December, Aerospace Forces beginning this “Doomsday
Fury” attack have launched 1,920
bombs and at least 15
submarine based cruise missiles at Islamic State terrorist forces—which do
not include the last 24 hours attacks described by the MoD as:
Most astounding to Aerospace Forces commanders
waging this “Doomsday Fury” campaign
against these Islamic State terrorists, this report continues, was Obama regime
Defense Secretary, Ash Carter, yesterday telling the US Congress that the US
airstrike campaign is leaving the lights on in these terrorists “capital” city of Raqqa to avoid
depriving its citizens of electricity and other services—but which also
means the Islamic State’s bureaucracy has plenty of energy to power its various
broadcast and social media dispatches to recruit more fighters and inspire
attacks aboard, such as in Europe and the United States.
Equally as astounding as allowing these
Islamic State terrorist barbarians to keep their lights on and communication
systems operating, this report notes, is the Obama regime, also, continuing to allow their ally
Turkey to keep bombing Kurdish fighters—who while being bombed by Turkey
are also being supplied by the US.
So confusing has the Obama regimes position
become in fact, this report continues, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria
Zakharova was forced earlier today to accuse them of conducting a “pretend war” and further stated: “To
figure out where the members of coalition are acting is quite hard. That's why
the US-led coalition should reveal its strategy for fighting terrorism in Iraq
and Syria. It would be good for [them] to acquaint the world with their
conception of what the coalition is doing in the region.”
Unlike the Obama regime though, this report
says, Federation military forces know exactly
how to conduct a war—and which in the 7 weeks since the bombing of these
terrorists in Syria began by Russia, Syrian Arab Army forces have been able to retake
from the Islamic State the strategic city of Homs, and are, also, continuing their massive ground assault
towards the city of Raqqa.
With life in Raqqa under Islamic State rule
being described by its residents as like “living
in a giant prison”, this report continues, Aerospace Forces, unlike
their American counterparts, are, indeed, targeting the electrical supplies of
these terrorists, and though creating
a hardship for the civilians living there, is a needed war move to free
these peoples from their barbaric captors.
Obama regime Defense Secretary Carter,
however, this report notes, has sided with the Islamic State terrorists now
controlling Raqqa—and stated so before the US Congress yesterday when he said
that, “for
the foreseeable future” the civilians in this “prison” will have to continue to accept their fate.
Fortunately though for the captured peoples
of Raqqa, this report points out, is that Britain, like
France before it, and in a blow to the Obama regime, has
sided with Russia in this war to destroy the Islamic State—but which even
to this very day the American people are still not being allowed to know about.
And with Russian airstrikes against the
Islamic State costing
6-times less the Americans, this report concludes, Russia’s expenditures
for this war being only
$5 million to $7.5 million a day shows clearly that the Obama regimes only
true motive in this conflict is to enrich their defense establishment and
banking backers—and as evidenced by the recently released reports proving that
the US paid
nearly $50 million to train just 4 or 5 Syrian fighters—but with no one
actually asking where this money really
December 10, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety
is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at
WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their
intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these
reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth
changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal
strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to
know the truth. Due to our missions
conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’
against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign
designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
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