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July 26, 2015
Jade Helm-15 War Exercise Assassinates
First Alien Target
Sorcha Faal, and as
reported to her Western Subscribers
A new report circulating in the Kremlin today
prepared by the System of Forward-looking Military Research and Development (SFLMRD) for the
Ministry of Defense (MoD) states that one of
the “alien targets” being pursued in
Important to note, and as we had reported on
in our 9 July report Jade Helm-15 War Exercise Linked
To Nordic Alien UFO’s Invading Texas, MoD scientists at SFLMRD had
previously identified a now ongoing war exercise in the United States, called
Jade Helm-15, as being a massive hunt for suspected “Nordic alien forces” whose crafts broke into our Earth’s atmosphere
over El Paso, Texas, on 1 April and 29 June.
According to this new report, the “targeted alien” assassinated by these
Jade Helm-15 Special Forces troops has been identified as Jeffrey Lash, and
whose fiancé, Dawn VadBunker, identified
him to police as being an alien/human hybrid secretly working for the US
Found in the home of Mr. Lash, and at various
other locations around Los Angeles, this report continues, was an astonishing
weapons cache of over 1,200 weapons, scopes, and assorted other military
hardware, over 6 ½ tons of ammunition, at least 13 specially modified vehicles
(including a submersible SUV) along with nearly $250,000 in cash.
The estimated value of the arms and
ammunition alone in the possession of Mr. Lash, this report continues, is over
$5 million…and does not count towards the value of his extensive property
holdings nor his sophisticated military-type heavily modified vehicles.
After collapsing in his vehicle, this report
says, Mr. Lash (see photo below) refused
to be brought to a hospital or have emergency services called instead
instructing that his body be left in his vehicle where it was then subsequently
discovered by police.
Supporting Lash’s fiancé’s statement that he
was, in fact, an alien/human hybrid, MoD scientists in this report say, was his
being the only child of Joseph
Jerry Lash (1922-2010), who during World War II was a US Navy aviator and
after the war began working in the fields of microbiology and chemistry…and in
July, 1947, was chosen to be a part of the medical team assembled by the Office
of Naval Research (ONR) to “examine and investigate” the remains
obtained from a downed
“flying saucer” recovered in Roswell,
New Mexico.
Choosing Jeffry Lash’s father, Joseph, to be
a part of the ONR medical team examining the
Commander Hoover, this report notes, was an
early space enthusiast and when working at the ONR was a close associate of
former German Nazi scientist Wernher von Braun
(1912-1977). Von Braun, who aside from heading the American space programme
after the war, was one of the world’s foremost genius scientists who
spearheaded nearly all of
As to what the ONR medical team headed by
Commander Hoover and Joseph Lash discovered in 1947 about these aliens, this
report says, was partly released in 2013, and which in one report by the
Huffington Post News Service states:
MoD genetic scientists contributing to this
report further state that due to Jeffery Lash’s age, 60, when he was
assassinated by the Jade Helm-15 Special Forces troops , he was indeed, “with all probability”, a “hybrid human” created by the ONR, under
his fathers supervision, that combined human DNA with that of the “alien occupants” of the 1947 Roswell
The reason for the ONR creating such hybrids,
this report says, was their belief that in doing so they would be able to harness
the intellectual and psychic powers of these “aliens” in a controlled way and for their benefit.
Living under the cover
name of “Bob Smith”, this report
concludes, hybrid-human Lash told those closest to him that he was a part of
the US government working for an agency like the FBI or CIA and always wore
black…leading some MoD analysts to speculate that he may have been a part of
the mysterious Men In
Black organization long reported to be involved in UFO cover-ups in
July 26, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their
intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these
reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth
changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal
strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to
know the truth. Due to our missions
conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’
against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign
designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
Real “Game Of Thrones” Climatic
Battle Set To Begin