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Battle Begins For Throne of This World: The Return of the Einherjar Warriors

By: Sorcha Faal “The truest accounting of our World’s present state of Global Chaos, the ‘whys’ and ‘how’s’ are presented in this epic history of what has been kept hidden from humanity. (Continued)


Picking up the Pieces: Practical Guide for Surviving Economic Crashes, Internal Unrest and Military Suppression       By: Sorcha Faal “In the span of less than 3 months gasoline prices will rise 500%.  The prices of both food and shelter rise over 300%. (Continued)

The True Knowledge of The Three Minds: When The Three Become One By: Sorcha FaalWith knowledge obtained from the most ancient of texts, including the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, join Sorcha Faal on one of the most incredible and important journeys into the truest knowledge of human beings. (Continued)

Partisans Handbook: By: Sorcha Faal “Essential Survival Guide For Resisting Foreign Military Occupation, Escape And Evasion Techniques, Surviving Interrogation, Facing Execution, Wilderness Survival (Continued)

The Children of Winter: Apocalyptic Message of Hope By: Sorcha Faal "Not told by Sorcha herself alone, but by the Children of Winter themselves, who at 6 years of age the weather had no effect upon them as they walked naked in the snows of winter.  Who at 10 years of age could walk thorough boiling water with no burns or (Continued)

Code Red: The Coming Destruction Of The United States Limited release of the perhaps one of the most prophetic books of our time relating to the underlying causes, and history, of the downfall of America (Continued)


February 20, 2008

US ‘Bending’ Of Atmosphere In Satellite Shootdown Raises Russia-China Concerns

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A most frightening report is circulating in the Kremlin today that states that the ongoing swarm of earthquakes occurring near the giant US Naval Base in San Diego, California, and the giant 7.6 magnitude earthquake hitting in Indonesia today, are ‘direct consequences’ of the United States effort to ‘bend’ our Earth’s atmosphere in an effort to destroy one of their spy satellites.

According to these reports from the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics in Siberia, and where Russian and Chinese scientists monitor the activities of the United States The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska [pictured top left], the American’s intend upon their becoming the first Nation in the World to use the abilities of the potentially catastrophic quantum particle beam accelerators now being developed, but never tested, in ‘real-time’ experiments.

The exact ‘plan’ of the United States, these reports state, is to use what is termed as a ‘triangulation’ of quantum particle beams originating from their HARRP facility in Alaska, their vast Naval Base in California, and their secretive Indian Ocean base on the Diego Garcia atoll, to ‘alter the space-time continuum’ of our Earth’s electro plasma sheathing in order to ‘lift’ the magnetosphere into the orbit of their orbiting spy satellite so that it will cease its space orbiting and be destroyed.

It must be understood that the complexities of these new quantum weapons systems stagger the human mind in trying to understand them, but to their potential to cause horrific destruction there is no doubt, and as previously warned about by the former United States Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, and who stated in his book, "Between Two Ages", that:

"Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised... Techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm."

To the success of this United States attempt to use these new types of quantum weapons systems it is not in our knowing, but many Chinese Scientists are already blaming these American experiments with these weapons as being responsible for the catastrophic snow storms to hit their Nation, and which many of them state were in retaliation for China’s threat to dump all of their US Dollar holdings.

Chinese and Russian Leaders have also issued ‘warnings’ to the Americans against conducting these tests, but with both of these Nations knowing that their own quantum weapons systems, though not tested, could be used against the US in retaliation should the Americans not heed their growing concerns.

It is also interesting to note that the exact timing of this quantum weapons test, by the Americans, is coinciding with the last Total Lunar Eclipse until 2010, and which these reports state the US is dependent upon in their belief that the ‘pull’ being exerted upon our Earth from the Moon during this eclipse will ‘mitigate’ any potentially catastrophic effects that may occur.

It is also being reported in the United States that their Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has issued to all of their local police and fire departments, Nationwide, a "First Responder Guide for Space Object Re-Entry”, though these reports state that the ‘most likely’ catastrophic effects of this quantum weapons test would be earthquakes, volcanic activity and strange storms.

21 Feb 2008 UPDATE: It is interesting to note that immediately after the US fired their quantum weapon system at their satellite, Norway experienced their worst earthquake in history in their Svalbard archipelago, and which happens to be the location of what is termed the Doomsday seed vault.

© February 20, 2008 EU and US all rights reserved.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]


Por: Sorcha Faal

Un muy atemorizante informe circula este día en el Kremlin que indica que la ola de terremotos que se está presentando cerca de la enorme base naval Estadounidense en San Diego, California y el tremendo terremoto con magnitud de 7.6 grados que sucedió en Indonesia hoy, son “consecuencias directas” del esfuerzo de los Estados Unidos pordoblar” la atmósfera terrestre para poder destruir uno de sus satélites espía.

Según la Academia Rusa de Ciencias del Instituto de Física Solar Terrestre en Siberia, y donde los científicos Chinos y Rusos monitorean las actividades del Programa de Investigación de Aurora Activa de Alta Frecuencia (HAARP) en Alaska, la intención Estadounidense de convertirse en la primera nación del mundo en utilizar sus capacidades de los potencialmente catastróficos aceleradores de rayo de partícula cuántica que están desarrollando actualmente, pero que no han sido puestos a prueba, en experimento en “tiempo real”.

El plan “exacto” de los Estados Unidos, indican estos informes, es usar lo que han llamadotriangulación” de los rayos de partícula cuántica que se están originando en las instalaciones de la HAARP en Alaska, su enorme base naval en California y su base secreta en el Océano Índico en el atolón de Diego García, paraalterar el medio continuo (continuum) de tiempo-espacio” de la envoltura del electroplasma de nuestro planeta con el fin de “levantar” la magnetosfera hacia la órbita de su satélite espía de que cese de orbitar y pueda ser destruido.

Debe de entenderse que las complejidades de estos nuevos sistemas de armas cuánticas desafían a la mente humana al tratar de comprenderlas, pero no existe ninguna duda sobre su potencial para causar una espantosa destrucción y como lo advirtió previamente el Asesor de Seguridad Estadounidense Zbignew Brzezinski y que dice en su libroEntre Dos Eras” que:

“La tecnología pondrá a disposición de los líderes de los países más importantes, las técnicas para llevar a cabo una guerra secreta, de la que únicamente apenas un mínimo de fuerzas de seguridad requerirá ser apreciado... Las técnicas para la modificación del clima podrían emplearse para producir prolongados períodos de sequía o tormenta”.

El éxito de los Estados Unidos para utilizar estos nuevos tipos de sistemas quánticos de armas no lo conocemos, pero muchos científicos Chinos ya están culpando a estos experimentos Gringos con estas armas de ser los responsables de las catastróficas tormentas de nieve en su país y que muchos consideran una venganza por la amenaza de China de alejarse de sus reservas de Dolares Estadounidenses.

Los líderes Chinos y Rusos han lanzado ya “advertencias” a los Estadounidenses contra la realización de estas pruebas pero estos dos países con sus propios sistemas quánticos de armas, aunque no han sido probados, podrian utilizarlos contra los Estados Unidos en represalia si los Estadounidenses no hacen caso.

Tambien es interesante hacer nota que el tiempo exacto de esta prueba de armas quánticas, está coincidiendo con el último eclipse Lunar Total hasta 2010, y este informe indica que los Estados Unidos dependen de su creencia de que el “jalónque ejerce la Luna sobre la Tierra durante este eclipse “mitigarácualquier efecto catastrófico que pudiera presentarse.

Tambien se informa en los Estados Unidos que su Agencia Federal de Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA) ha lanzado a su policía local y departamentos de bomberos, en todo el país, unaGuía Primaria para la Re-Entrada de Objeto Espacialaunque estos mismos informes señalan que los efectosmás catastróficos” de esta prueba de este sistema cuántico podrían ser terremotos, actividad volcánica y extrañas tormentas.

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico

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