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Do You Know Who These People Are? You’d Better Because Your Future Is In Their Hands!


In the early morning hours of November 5th, at a public park in the State of Illinois, Barack Obama claimed victory in his quest to become President of the United States. Barely noticed, however, was that also on November 5th, in that same State of Illinois, the winning lottery numbers for that day were 6…6…6.

Were these lottery numbers signaling a ‘warning’ to the American people of what is to come in their very near future?  Apparently many of them believe so, and the New York Times has reported this week that fears of an Obama Presidency is causing gun and ammunition purchases in the United States to surge all over their Nation.

In our experience, though, we’ve found that the best predictor as to the intentions of any leader is to look at whom they surround themselves with, and in President-Elect Obama’s case it should raise great alarm!

First of all, Obama has selected as his Chief of Staff a man named Rahm Emanuel [1st photo] who is known for mailing a dead fish to an enemy, fundraising in Chicago that has been compared to gangster shakedowns, threatening the British Prime Minister not to “f**k-up”, and plunging his knife into a dinner table while vowing ‘death’ to his enemies. Most importantly about Mr. Emanuel though is his creation of the pro-war US Congress that followed Bush’s orders allowing the tragic wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to begin.

Secondly there is Jane Harmon [2nd photo], a seventh-term Democrat from Southern California and senior member of the Homeland Security Committee who chairs the Intelligence Subcommittee and is being tapped to be Obama’s top intelligence ‘Czarina’ as his choice to head either the CIA or Homeland Security Agency and who has been one of President Bush’s strongest defenders in his breaking of US laws to eavesdrop on American citizens.

And last, though certainly not least, is Senior Foreign Affairs Advisor to Obama, Dennis Ross [3rd photo]. Though few Americans even know of Mr. Ross, he can arguably be said to be one of the chief architects of US Middle East policy over these past two decades and has served in both the George H. W. Bush and Clinton administrations. So important to the future of the US is Mr. Ross it’s worth reading a little more about him:

“Dennis Ross, Bill Clinton’s Mideast envoy, whose record includes supporting the pro-Iraq War advocacy campaigns of the Project for the New American Century and serving as a consultant to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), a bastion of Israel-centric policy thinking in Washington.

Generally regarded as a political moderate who has the ear and respect of both Republicans and Democrats, Ross, a former Soviet specialist, reportedly has told friends and foreign officials that he hopes to nab a very senior post in an Obama administration, one that at least covers Iran policy, if not the entire Greater Middle East.”

Are you beginning to get that ‘as much as things have changed, the more they remain same’ feeling?  If so you’re exactly right, because the truth is nothing at all has changed, only the ‘faces’ set before you designed to keep you passive, out of ‘their’ way has.  And more than at any other time in history this ‘new’ group of leaders ruling over you need watching so that you can be prepared for what they have in store for you.

And that’s where we come in. 

According to the Media Reform Information Center nearly 100% of the news being reported to you is controlled by just 5 huge International corporations! They are: Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS), and they decide virtually everything in your life…whom to vote for, whom to vote against, what to buy, what not to buy…and on, and on, and on.

In a future World there will no doubt be many history books written about how these 5 corporations were able to direct the lives of over 300 million American people while overseeing their total destruction.  But in today’s World, the one that counts, there remains only us and a few other news sources continuing to do battle against these monsters and keep telling you the truth….even if you don’t want to hear it, even if you don’t want to believe it.

And we CAN’T do this alone; we NEED your help to keep YOU FREE!

Our dear Sister Rabea has graciously written this seasons appeal for your help which we strongly urge you to heed by at the very least reading her words.  You can find them here at “As ‘Messiah’ Obama Rises, US People Set To Fall”.  At the bottom of that page is where you’ll make the decision to either assist us in the struggle for your freedom, or to just turn away.


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