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Note: This is a private letter intended for the sole and exclusive use of the Western subscribers to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal, but is authorized to be shared to the public at your discretion.

Wake Up Now! The World Cries To The American People




28 May 2017

Hello Again Folks,

From time to time over the past nearly 15 years, I’ve done my best to keep you informed about the alternative (i.e. truthful) news and information websites that have died and gone to “internet heaven”—and today marks the passing of another two, Superstation95 and One American News Network.

Superstation95 began reporting truthful news in October, 2015, and averaged over 2 million monthly users—but because they supported Donald Trump and told the truth about Hillary Clinton, they were branded as “Russia Propaganda-Fake News”—and this past week they died and gave their own epitaph stating that the reason for their destruction was: “Visitor counts to this web site began dropping immediately after Washington Post ran that story and have now dropped so low, the revenue from this site can no longer support its existence, never mind pay staff and for office space.”



One American News Network (OANN/Direct TV Channel 347) offered a $100,000 reward for information about the assassination of Seth Rich and posted a stunning news report video this past week examining the murder of this Democrat Party official who leaked to Wikileaks—immediately after which their site was attacked and shut down, then “reopened”—but not under their registration, but a new one named having the Seth Rich report disappeared from it. 



The demise of Superstation95 was due to their falling victim to what’s called the “HTTPS Trap”—that supposedly offers website security protection, but once a site is under this protocol, they are then able to be cut off and censored—and as explained by your reading this posting at whose author gives some sage advice: “In this day and age, SURVIVAL IS SIMPLICITY.”



Refusing to be put under the enslaving HTTPS protocol (like us, of course) are,,, and the aforementioned—all of whom, including us, rely solely upon our readers for survival. 

All of us have, also, been branded as being “Russia Propaganda-Fake News”, with CNN now even going so far as labeling every American who knows a Russian, or has dated one, as being a “spy—and with over 1 million former citizens of Russia (including USSR and its satellite nations) now being in the United States, means an awful lot of beds needing to be checked under every night!    



Now with you being a normal logical thinking sane person (and I KNOW this because you’re reading these words), you, of course, know that the barely 143 million citizens of Russia, who live in the largest country (land size) in the world having natural resources valued at over $75 TRILLION, opposed to their being a paltry $156 billion in debt, has never contemplated, nor even needs to, attack and conquer the United States, that has over 326 million citizens and over $20 trillion in debt, or the European Union, that has over 500 million citizens and has nearly $14 trillion in debt. 


In “normal” times, too, we’d all be able to laugh off this Russia hysteria as being the joke that it really is—but with fully one-third of the Russian people now believing war with the United States is now possible, and a total of 99% of launchers in the Russian Strategic Missile Force now in a combat-ready state, including 96% on constant alert for an immediate launch, this is now longer a laughing matter—IT’S LIFE AND DEATH!

Russian President Vladimir Putin had a difficult childhood growing up in the slums of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) that was destroyed by one of the greatest military sieges in human history costing the lives of millions—and as leader of a country that lost over 25 million of its citizens during World War II, these words of warning he spoke just 18 months ago should be etched in everyone’s mind: “Fifty years ago, the streets of Leningrad taught me one thing: If a fight's inevitable, you must strike first.”


It’s not our fault that you now find yourself in this undeniable position that you need to quickly awaken to the fact that—YOU ARE THE ONLY THING STANDING BETWEEN PEACE AND WAR!

This isn’t hyperbole or scaremongering either; this is just a plain and simple truth!

Remember, “they” can’t start this war without YOU, and that’s why you’re being so brainwashed—and, also, is why “they” attack and destroy those of us who keep telling you the truth and giving you logical facts you can examine for yourself.

Such as Sister Ciara’s monumental Special Report titled “Deep State” In Disarray As Trump’s “Fathomless Federation” Gains Ground” that is fast becoming a “must read” the world over for those seeking to end the mass media manipulation of their thoughts and emotions.

In her Special Report too, Sister Ciara once again makes an appeal for YOU to help our effort—and that you can do so by clicking HERE and giving what you can today.

Time is running out too—and for those who’ve listened over the years to the Sorcha Faal’s reports wherein she frequently quotes “The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy - What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny”, note, RIGHT NOW, that the author of this seminal work, Neil Howe,  has just issued a last warning to us all: “We are in the 1930’s, and Winter is coming”.

For those of you having generously given, THANK YOU!  For those of you haven’t, though, WILL YOU PLEASE WAKE UP!

As always, please feel free to write me at [email protected] with any comments/questions/suggestions and remembering to put ATTN:BRIAN in the subject line.

All the best folks,






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