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"The News You Need Today…For The World You’ll Live In
Storm Battered American People Left With Only History To Guide
Them—And That Shows Their Victory Is Near
“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and
culture is like a tree without roots”
Mosiah Garvey Jr. (1887-1940)—Jamaican-born American political leader,
publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, and orator
Special Report from Sister Ciara
My Dearest Friends—This
past week, and like many of you have no doubt been doing, too, I’ve been
pondering the hoax bomb attacks occurring in America intended to upend the soon coming 2018 Midterm Elections and found myself likening this event to what
happened 24 days ago when, on 2 October,
a low-pressure area formed in the southwestern Caribbean Sea—with 5 days later, on 7 October, this tropical disturbance becoming a tropical
depression—and 3 days after that, on 10
October, its slamming into the Panhandle
region of Florida as catastrophic Category 4 Hurricane
Michael having winds over 155 mph and a storm surge over 15 feet
obliterating everything in its deadly path—with the lone exception from this
total destruction being a beach house directly in the path of this catastrophic
hurricane named the Sand
Palace, that withstood everything this monster storm threw at it
remaining virtually undamaged.
elevated house that the owners call the
Like the destructive speed and effects this
hoax bomb attack is having on the American body politic just days before a
crucial election, so too did Hurricane
Michael suddenly appear to upend the lives of the people it touched—except
for the owners of the Sand Palace
who used a single word to protect themselves—HISTORY—and
whose instructions to build their impregnable seaside fortress came
from the “master builder” Himself:
Therefore whoever hears these sayings of
Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the
rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on
that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
But everyone who hears these sayings of
Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on
the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat
on that house; and it fell. And great
was its fall.
By knowing the history of where they were building
their Sand Palace, its owners built
it to withstand 250 mile-an-hour winds, minimized the space under its roof so
that wind could not sneak in underneath and lift it off, and, most importantly,
erected it on high pilings sunk into the ground until they reached bedrock to
keep it above the surge of seawater that usually accompanies powerful
Therefore, and once again, knowledge of HISTORY has proven its ability to save those who use it—and
destroy the lives of those who don’t.
Now I know that in these turbulent times many
of you believe that your place in history is unique—but nothing could be
further from the truth as what you are facing now is but another branch of the
historical tree you live upon—and that actually has name called The
Treaty of Westphalia.
From 1618
to 1648, one of the longest and most brutal wars in human history, with
more than 8 million casualties resulting from military battles as well as from
the famine and disease caused by the conflict, was fought called The Thirty
Years War—whose ending was begun when the peace conference to end the
war opened in Münster and Osnabrück in December-1644—that was attended by no fewer than 194 states, from
the biggest to the smallest, represented by 179 diplomats who spent the first
six months arguing about who was to sit where and who was to go into a room
ahead of whom (sound familiar?)—but who, exactly 370 years ago this past week, on 24 October
1648, signed The Treaty of
Westphalia that created for the first time in human history what is known
as the “Nation State”—that is a country where a distinct cultural or
ethnic group (a “nation” or “people”) inhabits a distinct territory having
defined borders and has formed a state (often a sovereign state) that it
predominantly governs.
Throughout its entire 370 year history, The Treaty of
Westphalia has only been attacked once, and whose sole attacker is a
despotic political ideology known as World
Communism that seeks total
global domination and the destruction of nation states—and should never be
confused or compared to other political ideologies (such as Nazism, Fascism,
Capitalism, etc.) whose conflicts and wars of territorial expansion
were always contained within the boundaries of Westphalia and respect (though really distorted at times)
for the nation state concept.
So, and in its simplest, though most accurate
are soldiers in the
It goes without saying, of course, that none
of you signed up for this war, rather you were born into it—but that in no way
whatsoever negates your responsibility in choosing which side you’re fighting
for—and in America today means you
either choose siding with The Treaty of
Westphalia and supporting President
Donald Trump, or siding with World
Communism and supporting his Democrat
Party opponents.
For those of you siding with The Treaty of Westphalia to keep our
world’s nation state system intact, I can assure you that we’re winning—but at
a cost that’s fast becoming nearly unbearable for those of us on the front
lines of this war to maintain—not because we lack resolve and vigor, but
because those of you whom we’re protecting still fail to comprehend how grave
this war is becoming—with today you seeing hoax bombs, but tomorrow will be
real ones exploding in a neighborhood near you.
To those of you knowing (And if not knowing fast learning!)
HISTORY—a reminder of how those from the past supported those
were fighting for them on the front lines of war can be found in an original 1774 “rebel”
newspaper discovered recently in a Goodwill
Store in New Jersey—that was
the 24 December 1774 edition of Pennsylvania Journal and the Weekly
Advertiser—all of whose writers, editors and owners, were subject to
immediate death by the British Empire
for their supporting of the American
patriots trying to defend their nation—but whom were supported by their readers
who kept this “rebel” newspaper alive by their paying for a jumble of small
advertisements offering rewards for a lost horse or runaway apprentice, while
another insists the poster will no longer pay his “misbehaving” wife’s debts—and in whose selfless charity, allowed the words of
American Founding Father John Hancock
to continue echoing across the land.
December 1774 copy of The
The “rebel” newspapers of today are
patriotic alternative news websites like ours whose devoted mission is to keep
you informed and educated as to what’s occurring on the battlefields of this
war, all of whom are under relentless attacks on a daily basis—most dastardly
by “The Good Censor”
project deployed by Google to
destroy us, and those like us, forever—with our only hope for survival being YOU!
In our world’s most ancient times, a nomadic
band of peoples seeking freedom pleaded with their God to come to their
aid before they starved—and who heard this plea proclaiming throughout the land
to all of those whom aid would be sought from “Do not
withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.” [Proverbs 3:27]—and that I, for one, humbly believe are words that
still echo through time to our world today, if only there are people of good
will and charity with ears left to hear.
With God,
Sister Ciara
26 October 2018
Our needs today are dire indeed, but,
if every one of you reading this gave just $20.00 today, our budget for the
entire year would be met! So, before you
click away, ask yourself this simple question….if your knowing the truth about
what is happening now, and what will be happening in the future isn’t worth 5
US pennies a day what is?
note that those who respond to this appeal, in any amount, will receive, at no
charge, Sorcha Faal’s October, 2018/November, 2018 lecture series to the
Sisters of the Order titled “Total War: the Collapse of the United States and
the Rise of Chaos: Part 81”. This is
another one of the Sorcha Faal’s most important lectures dealing with the
coming timelines of war, famine, catastrophic Earth changes and disease as
predicted by ancient prophecies.)